In a groundbreaking partnership, MTV Staying Alive Foundation, Paramount Global, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have joined forces to create “In Bloom,” a captivating short film anthology exploring the theme of gender equity.

A Platform for Change and Empowerment

Directed by emerging female filmmakers from Nigeria, Kenya, India, the U.S., and Brazil, “In Bloom” addresses a diverse range of important issues. From period poverty and child marriage to gender-based violence, HIV self-stigma, family planning, and women’s economic empowerment, these thought-provoking stories aim to create meaningful conversations and dismantle systemic injustices. This collaboration is in support of the United Nations’ gender equality goal, aligning with the missions of both the MTV Staying Alive Foundation and Paramount’s “Content For Change” initiative.

Inspiring Voices and Stories

The creative lead for “In Bloom” is Tope Oshin, a Nigerian TV and film director and board member of U.N. Live. The anthology includes powerful shorts such as:

  • “Period”: An English-language comedy-drama directed by Nicole Teeny (U.S.), which follows Fay, a student at an underserved school who embarks on a mission to obtain menstrual products for free. Starring Yasmina El-Abd.
  • “Alta”: A Bengali-language drama written and directed by Priyanka Banerjee (India). When a defiant teenager refuses to leave the bathroom, her desperate father seeks help to reason with her, leading to a shocking revelation about their relationship. Starring Mazel Vyas.
  • “Maré”: A social realist drama in Portuguese and English, written and directed by Giuliana Monteiro (Brazil). It depicts a mother on the edge of her sanity, seeking solace in the midst of a tumultuous life situation. Starring Vanessa Giácomo.
  • “Kifungo”: A Swahili and English-language psychological horror written and directed by Voline Ogutu (Kenya). This thrilling story follows an ambitious romantic who grapples with self-acceptance after discovering her HIV-positive status. Starring Brenda Wairimu.
  • “Aféfé”: A drama in Yoruba, Nigerian Pidgin, and English languages, written and directed by Dolapo ‘LowlaDee’ Adeleke (Nigeria). It centers around a beautician whose life takes a terrifying turn when her elderly and ailing mother-in-law unexpectedly moves in. Starring Folu Storms.

An International Premiere

To celebrate Women’s History Month and ahead of International Women’s Day, “In Bloom” is set to premiere on Paramount+ on March 1. Audiences from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean, Australia, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, South Korea, and more will have the opportunity to witness these exceptional stories. The anthology will also premiere on Pluto TV globally on the same day, followed by further rollouts on MTV international linear channels. On March 8, International Women’s Day, BET in Africa will air the anthology. Subsequently, the films will be available on YouTube in India and Africa. Paramount will also make the rights available for free to third-party platforms worldwide, extending the reach of these impactful narratives.

A Collaboration for Change

Wame Jallow, the executive director of MTV Staying Alive Foundation, expressed enthusiasm for the impact of “In Bloom,” stating, “‘In Bloom’ marks an exciting new phase in the work of MTV Staying Alive Foundation on gender equality. Our experience tells us that working in partnership with the communities we serve is the best way to achieve impact and change in the world.” Crystal Barnes, the executive VP of corporate social responsibility and environmental, social, and governance at Paramount, emphasized the importance of diversity and inclusion, stating, “This collection of films is a true testament to our ongoing commitment to improving diversity, equity, and inclusion both on and off-screen.”

Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, “In Bloom” is produced by MTV Staying Alive Foundation and distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

F5 Magazine

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