Fresh off their success with the Sundance-winning film “Girls Will Be Girls,” talented Indian actor-producers Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal are back with an enticing lineup from their very own Pushing Buttons Studios. This dynamic duo has collaborated with Crawling Angels, Blink Digital, and Dolce Vita Films to bring us a range of captivating projects that will surely leave audiences wanting more.

A Stellar Debut: “Girls Will Be Girls” Takes Sundance by Storm

Directed by the talented Shuchi Talati, “Girls Will Be Girls” marks Pushing Buttons Studios’ debut production and made quite the impact at Sundance. The film not only received the audience choice award for best film but also won the jury award for best actor, thanks to the stunning performance by lead actress Preeti Panigrahi. Variety even raved about this incredible movie.

Get Ready for Thrills: “Papita” Takes Crime to New Heights

Akash Bhatia, known for Netflix’s “Looop Lapeta,” brings us the gripping crime thriller “Papita.” This film follows Porus Bisht, a paparazzi photographer in Mumbai who aspires to become a respected photographer and rise above his voyeuristic profession. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he captures a moment involving a renowned celebrity, forever altering his career and personal journey.

A Unique Animation: “Doggie Stylez” Explores the Human World

Prepare to be entertained by the tongue-in-cheek satire of Ashutosh Pathak’s adult animation, “Doggie Stylez.” Through the lens of a society of dogs imitating human values, this comedy sheds light on the failures of modern humans. It’s a hilarious and thought-provoking take on the intricacies of our society.

A Modern Love Story: “Pinky Promise” Captures Hearts

Amitosh Nagpal, the writer of “Hindi Medium,” presents “Pinky Promise,” a delightful musical comedy. The story revolves around Pinky, a talented dancer, and Goldie, a gifted singer, who find themselves caught in a forbidden love affair due to their feuding families. Their tale echoes that of “Romeo and Juliet” in a modern-day setting, captivating us with their journey of love, passion, and sacrifice.

A Peek Into Reality: “RiAlity” Uncovers the Love Story of Chadha and Fazal

Rahul Singh Datta’s documentary “RiAlity” takes us behind the scenes and delves into the lives of Pushing Buttons Studios’ very own Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal. Explore their incredible journey, including the whirlwind surrounding their wedding. This intimate look at their lives promises to be a fascinating and heartwarming experience.

Enter a Fantastical World: “Miss Palmoliv All Night Cabaret” Takes You on a Magical Musical Journey

From veteran filmmaker Kamal Swaroop comes the fantasy drama “Miss Palmoliv All Night Cabaret.” This enchanting story follows Bhavani Singh, a revolutionary celibate bandit, and Miss Palmolive, a captivating cabaret dancer, as they embark on a platonic musical journey through the fantastical world of Cinemata. In this world, the only way to defeat an enemy is with a kiss, turning their adventure into a thrilling and magical experience.

Richa Chadha shared her passion for storytelling, stating, “We are driven by a commitment to bring fresh and diverse narratives to the forefront.” Ali Fazal added, “Pushing Buttons Studios is more than just a production house; it’s a platform for artists to collaborate, experiment, and create unforgettable experiences for audiences.” We can’t wait to see what this talented team has in store for us.

For more information, visit F5 Magazine.

By f5mag

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