“The Lost King,” the 2022 film starring Steve Coogan and produced by his company Baby Cow Productions, is facing legal action from one of the real-life characters it portrays. Richard Taylor, a former deputy registrar at the University of Leicester, has filed a lawsuit against Coogan, Baby Cow, and Pathé Productions over his depiction in the movie. Taylor alleges that his character in the film, played by Lee Ingleby, was disrespectful and misogynistic towards historian Philippa Langley, according to reports.

Allegations of Misrepresentation

Taylor’s lawyer argued in London’s High Court that the portrayal of his client was dismissive, patronizing, and arrogant. The lawyer claimed that Taylor’s character took credit for Langley’s work and tried to suppress her involvement, while mocking King Richard III’s disability. The lawyer described Taylor as a “devious, weasel-like person” and criticized the way physical deformity was linked to moral failings.

The Defense’s Position

Coogan, Baby Cow, and Pathé are vehemently defending themselves against the libel claim. Their legal representative stressed that “The Lost King” is a feature film and not a documentary. The defense argued that the movie’s portrayal was not an exact representation of the real-life events and characters. Pathé, in a statement, expressed its continued support for the film and stated that it never intended to misrepresent anyone.

Pathé’s History of Real-Life Movies

Pathé has a long and successful history of financing and distributing dramatic motion pictures based on real people and events. Some of the notable films include “The Queen,” “The Iron Lady,” “Philomena,” “Selma,” “Pride,” “Judy,” and “The Great Escaper.” The company emphasized that “The Lost King” was made to give Philippa Langley a voice and to bring her story to the screen. Pathé is confident that the film does not bear the meaning alleged by Richard Taylor and is determined to defend its position.

Decision Pending

Judge Jaron Lewis is expected to make a ruling on preliminary issues in the legal claim at a later date. Meanwhile, “The Lost King,” directed by Stephen Frears, premiered in Toronto in 2022 and was released in the U.S. by IFC Films in March 2023.

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By f5mag

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