Bollywood star Yami Gautam recently opened up about her experience working on the political action thriller “Article 370” and addressed the film’s ban in the Middle East. In this film, Gautam portrays Zooni Haksar, a Kashmiri Indian National Intelligence Agency officer tasked with achieving the revocation of Article 370 with minimal bloodshed. The revocation of Article 370 in 2019 was a significant event that revoked the special status granted to the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.
A Complex Character with Clear Beliefs
Directed by Aditya Suhas Jambhale and written by Aditya Dhar, Jambhale, Arjun Dhawan, and Monal Thaakar, “Article 370” showcases the story of Zooni Haksar, a character that Gautam describes as “complex” but with no shades of gray. Zooni’s beliefs and her vision for Kashmir are crystal clear. Gautam emphasized that Zooni represents the sentiments that many people wish for in Kashmir. To prepare for her role, Gautam received training from top Indian army personnel, including learning how to handle guns.
Challenging Ban and Positive Response
Despite being denied access to the Gulf markets due to political references, “Article 370” has already grossed $6.2 million within a week of its release. Gautam expressed surprise at the ban, stating that the film is not offensive and has been well-received in India. She mentioned that the film has received positive feedback, with people appreciating its non-propagandistic approach. However, Gautam acknowledged that there will always be judgment without watching the film.
A Matter of Perspective
Gautam believes that what some might perceive as jingoism is patriotism for her. She shared that watching “Article 370” in a packed cinema was one of her best experiences in recent times. The atmosphere was filled with clapping and excitement, bringing strangers together with a shared sense of pride and unity. Gautam aims to focus on the bigger, positive story portrayed by the film and hopes that viewers will leave with a similar feeling.
Acknowledgment and Impact
The film features characters inspired by real-life figures, such as an Indian Prime Minister resembling Narendra Modi and a Home Minister bearing a striking resemblance to Amit Shah. Modi himself referenced the film in one of his speeches, which Gautam considers a special moment that validates the film’s importance. She believes that the film’s impact goes beyond Kashmiris, affecting all Indians in some way.
What’s Next for Yami Gautam?
After “Article 370,” Gautam’s upcoming project is Rishab Seth’s caper comedy “Dhoom Dhaam,” produced by B62 Studios and Jio.
For more information, you can read the original article here.
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