Rylan Clark, the beloved TV personality, is set to shock audiences with an outrageous story on Mel Giedroyc’s upcoming show, Unforgivable. In an act of revenge, Rylan reveals how he duped a fellow pop star into unknowingly drinking his own urine when they were both performing in Majorca.

Back in 2012, shortly after his rise to fame on The X Factor, Rylan jetted off to Majorca for a residency at a beachside club. Things took a nasty turn when a fellow performer started treating the staff backstage poorly, leaving a sour taste in Rylan’s mouth.

In the first episode of Unforgivable, which will air on Dave next Tuesday at 10 pm, Rylan spills the beans to Mel. He says, “I used to fly there every Tuesday, perform three songs, and fly back. On the Tuesday, I had the residency, and the ‘pop star’ had it on Wednesday.”

Curiosity got the best of Rylan, and he inquired about the pop star’s behavior. To his dismay, he found out that the star was notorious for being rude to everyone. This provided the perfect opportunity for Rylan to exact his revenge.

“On my last night, I stumbled upon the pop star’s beloved bottle of whisky. I noticed that they only ever took one drink from it,” Rylan reveals. Determined to teach the arrogant star a lesson, Rylan took matters into his own hands.

Using a mischievous glint in his eye, Rylan tells Mel, “I topped up the bottle with my own ‘blend’.” The next day, he received a video of the unsuspecting pop star drinking from the bottle. Little did the star know that he had just consumed Rylan’s urine.

The shocking incident left Rylan feeling satisfied with his revenge. It was a classic case of ‘wee-sky.’ While the name of the pop star remains undisclosed, this jaw-dropping revelation reveals Rylan’s mischievous side.

Rylan’s appearance on Mel Giedroyc’s show promises more unforgettable stories and shockingly hilarious moments. Make sure to tune in to Unforgivable on Dave to catch Rylan’s full account of this outlandish prank.

Rylan Clark reveals he duped pop star into drinking his PEE in Majorca in an act of revenge

Credit: ©UKTV/Ellis O’Brien

Rylan was appearing on Mel Giedroyc's new series of Unforgivable

Credit: Getty

Source link: F5 Magazine

By f5mag

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