Brian Dowling, the beloved star from the hit reality show Big Brother, and his husband, Arthur Gourounlian, are overjoyed to announce that they are expecting their second child. The couple, who tied the knot in 2015, made the heartwarming announcement on Instagram, accompanied by an adorable picture featuring their daughter, Blake. This exciting news has left fans and loved ones showering the couple with well wishes and congratulations.
A Growing Family
Brian and Arthur shared the delightful news on both of their Instagram pages, expressing their excitement for the newest addition to their family. Their daughter, Blake, who was born in September 2022 with the help of Brian’s sister, Aoife, as their surrogate, joined in the celebration by proudly donning a pink jumper that read, “Promoted to Big Sister.” With her sweet headband and tutu-style skirt adorned with roses, it’s clear that Blake is eagerly preparing for her role as the best big sister ever.
Welcoming Another Blessing
The Instagram post captured the couple’s joy and anticipation as they await the arrival of Baby Dowling Gourounlian Number 2 this summer. Brian and Arthur expressed their gratitude for the blessing of their first child and their excitement to welcome another baby into their family. The outpouring of love and support from fans and celebrities alike has been heartwarming.
Girls Aloud singer Kimberley Walsh shared her joy with a series of crying emojis, commenting, “This is just the most amazing news ❤.” Irish radio presenter Doireann Garrihy, also expressing her excitement, wrote, “Dad goals always 🥹❤️ CONGRATULATIONS Xxx.” The couple’s friend Una Healy, a member of the popular band The Saturdays, added, “This is brilliant news! I am so happy for you all xxx.”
A Journey of Infertility and Surrogacy
The happiness surrounding this pregnancy is even more significant considering the couple’s previous struggle with infertility. Brian, who rose to fame on the second series of Big Brother, discovered he was infertile during their surrogacy journey. In a candid interview on Ireland AM, he openly shared his feelings of embarrassment and the emotional impact of infertility.
Despite not being biologically related to Blake, Brian emphasized that he is still her father and takes great care in choosing his words when discussing his infertility. The couple has overcome challenges and worked to establish their roles as parents, as their daughter’s birth certificate only bears the names of Arthur and Brian’s sister, Aoife.
Pushing for Change
Brian’s candidness about his journey sheds light on the issue of surrogacy and its legal implications in Ireland. Currently, surrogacy remains unregulated, leaving parents who utilize overseas surrogacy services in a legal gray area. Brian expressed his fears of potential custody issues and his desire to protect his relationship with his daughter.
With their positive news, Brian and Arthur also hope to inspire change, advocating for clearer regulations and protections for families created through surrogacy. Their journey showcases the strength and love that can be found amidst challenges.
Celebrating Love, Family, and New Beginnings
As Brian and Arthur embark on this new chapter of their lives, their story resonates with countless couples striving to create their own families. Their unwavering love, resilience, and unwavering commitment to their children’s well-being are an inspiration to all.
We congratulate Brian and Arthur on their growing family and eagerly await the arrival of their bundle of joy. To stay updated on their journey, follow Brian Dowling and Arthur Gourounlian on Instagram.
Source: F5 Magazine