The shocking events of January 6th continue to reverberate as new footage emerges, revealing a tense confrontation between Republican members of Congress and rioters attempting to breach the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives. The recently released 8-minute video, filmed by Capitol rioter Damon Beckley, has been introduced as evidence ahead of his sentencing. In the video, rioters can be seen facing the barrels of guns through shattered glass as they try to force their way inside.

A Stand Against Lawlessness

The video showcases Representative Troy Nehls, R-Texas, and Representative Markwayne Mullin, R-Okla., engaging with the rioters through the broken glass. Rep. Nehls sternly admonishes them, saying, “You ought to be ashamed of yourself!” In response, one rioter defiantly declares, “We’re coming in one way or another!” The tense exchange highlights the unprecedented behavior witnessed on that fateful day.

Rep. Nehls, with 30 years of experience in law enforcement, expresses his dismay, stating, “I’ve been in law enforcement in Texas for 30 years, and I’ve never had people act this way. I’m ashamed of it!” The video captures the disbelief and frustration experienced by these Congressmen as they confront the rioters.

Troy Nehls, center, and Markwayne Mullin, speaking with Capitol rioters trying to breach the main door into the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Troy Nehls, center, and Markwayne Mullin, speaking with Capitol rioters trying to breach the main door into the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives. (Image source: U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia)

Reflecting on a Day of Infamy

Since that fateful day, Rep. Nehls has undergone a change of heart. He even referred to the death of Ashli Babbitt, the rioter who was shot by a Capitol Police officer while attempting to enter the House floor, as “murder.” In a previous interview, Nehls shared his thoughts on January 6th, stating, “I am going to stay right here with my brothers and sisters in blue. I had my Texas mask on, and he looked at me through that broken glass and he said, ‘You’re from Texas, you should be with us.’ At that point, I said, ‘No, sir, I cannot support what you’re doing. This is criminal.'”

Unsettling Calls for Violence

The video also captures the rioters making alarming statements. One of them warned that there would be “a bigger Civil War and a lot of bloodshed” if the election outcome was not overturned. Another rioter, expressing frustration, exclaimed, “I drove fourteen hours to get here and stood in the cold for three and a half hours to find out that Mike Pence is a f—— traitor, man. And I voted for that f—— dude. He could’ve done the right thing and certified those legislators, electors, and we wouldn’t be standing here with a nine-millimeter pointed at me right now!”

The chilling confrontation emphasizes the deep divisions and anger that existed among the rioters on that historic day.

“They can only kill so many of us,” declared one defiant rioter, as a chilling testament to the dangerous atmosphere that unfolded at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

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By f5mag

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