Nikki Haley

Republicans are already casting doubt on whether President Joe Biden can win the 2024 election legitimately. According to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, regardless of the outcome, Biden will claim the same thing. This sentiment reflects the lasting impact of the 2020 election results and the January 6th attack, which continue to loom over the current election cycle.

DeSantis stated in an interview with NBC News that the topic doesn’t come up on the campaign trail; he hasn’t received a single question about the January 6th attack during his events in Iowa. However, former President Donald Trump still faces legal trouble, including a case questioning his involvement in efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. Consequently, the candidates vying for the Republican nomination have been asked about their willingness to pardon Trump if he is convicted. DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Amol Rajan Ramaswamy have all expressed their support for such pardons.

Furthermore, Republican voters have adopted a similar stance, expressing skepticism regarding the legitimacy of the 2024 election results. Barb Forney, a 60-year-old Republican from Ames, Iowa, who supports Ramaswamy, stated that a legitimate Biden win in November is “not conceivable.” Connie Lendt, a 69-year-old supporter of DeSantis from Woodward, Iowa, shared similar sentiments, believing that Biden cannot win and suggesting that the previous election was rigged.

Additionally, Trump has openly supported his supporters who faced legal consequences in connection with the January 6th attack, pledging to pardon them and actively championing their cause. However, when asked about the lessons learned from the attack on the U.S. Capitol, the Republican candidates provided diverse responses.

It’s important to note that these early doubts about the legitimacy of future election results raise questions about both the stability and trust within the American political system.

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By f5mag

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