Award-winning director Mati Diop, known for her groundbreaking film “Atlantique,” is back with a new documentary titled “Dahomey.” This thought-provoking documentary, chosen for the Berlinale competition, will be internationally represented by Les Films du Losange, based in Paris.
Shedding Light on Colonialism
“Dahomey” delves into the topic of colonization, exploring the story of valuable artworks that were stolen by French colonizers in 1892 and were only restituted to Benin in November 2021. At that time, the African country was known as the Kingdom of Dahomey. Mati Diop, an acclaimed French-Senegalese filmmaker and actor, brings these stolen treasures back to life and amplifies the voices of a new generation through a unique and stylized approach.
Unveiling the Royal Treasures
The documentary follows the journey of 26 royal treasures that were plundered by French colonial troops from the Kingdom of Dahomey. These treasures were displayed at the Musée du Quai de Branly in Paris and are now being returned to Cotonou in Benin. Alongside showcasing the artifacts, “Dahomey” also captures the ongoing debates among students at the University of Abomey-Calavi, adding a significant political dimension to the film.
A Powerful Collaboration
“Dahomey” is a remarkable collaboration between Mati Diop, Les Films du Bal, and Fanta Sy from Senegal. Les Films du Losange, renowned for its expertise in international sales and distribution, will handle the global sales and distribution of the documentary, while also releasing it in France.
A Notable Presence at the Berlinale
As part of the Berlinale competition, “Dahomey” joins a lineup of other impressive French co-productions. One such film is “Black Tea,” directed by Abderrahman Sissako, which also focuses on the African diaspora.
For more information about “Dahomey” and Mati Diop’s work, visit