Netflix has just released the first trailer for its upcoming psychological thriller series “Ripley,” starring the talented Andrew Scott as the enigmatic Tom Ripley. Based on Patricia Highsmith’s renowned novel, this gripping adaptation was originally set to air on Showtime but was acquired by Netflix in a recent deal between the two companies.
A Grifter’s Tale
Directed and written by Steven Zaillian, known for his work on Martin Scorsese’s “The Irishman,” “Ripley” takes us back to the early 1960s in New York City. Andrew Scott portrays Tom Ripley, a cunning grifter trying to make ends meet. The story follows his intricate relationship with a wealthy man traveling through Italy, fraught with tension and a troubled bond with his own son. As expected in typical Ripley fashion, deception ensues.
Stellar Cast
Joining Scott in this thrilling series are Johnny Flynn and Dakota Fanning. Flynn plays Dickie Greenleaf, the vagabond son who becomes the target of Tom’s elaborate schemes, while Fanning takes on the role of Marge Sherwood, Dickie’s girlfriend who begins to grow suspicious of Tom’s true intentions.
The teaser trailer tantalizingly shows a conversation where someone tells Tom, “You’re a very hard man to find. No address. Phone. Office.” This hint of intrigue leaves us yearning for more.
A Reimagined Classic
This is not the first time Highsmith’s iconic character, Tom Ripley, has been brought to the screen. In 1999, Matt Damon portrayed the unforgettable antihero in “The Talented Mr. Ripley,” a film based on Highsmith’s novel of the same name. Alongside Damon, Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow delivered stellar performances. The film garnered critical acclaim, receiving five Academy Award nominations.
Production Details
“Ripley” is a co-production between Showtime and Endemol Shine North America, in collaboration with Entertainment 360 and Filmrights. The series is executive produced by Steven Zaillian, Garrett Basch, Clayton Townsend, Guymon Casady, Ben Forkner, Sharon Levy, and Philipp Keel of Diogenes.
Mark your calendars! All eight episodes of “Ripley” will be available for streaming on Netflix starting April 4th.
Watch the enticing teaser here.
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