
Imagine a world where humans don’t exist, and instead, anthropomorphic animals and compassionate robots roam freely. This is the whimsical setting of “Robot Dreams,” a heartwarming animated film by Pablo Berger. Known for his unique storytelling style, Berger takes a departure from his previous works and ventures into the realm of 2D animation. The result is a visually captivating buddy movie that tugs at the heartstrings.

A Fresh Medium and Nostalgic Vibes

Inspired by Sara Varon’s graphic novel of the same name, “Robot Dreams” embraces a wordless approach and a distinct visual style reminiscent of pastel-infused animations like “BoJack Horseman.” Set in a retro 1980s New York City, the film oozes nostalgia for a bygone era of roller discos and boomboxes. While it’s suitable for children, its low-incident narrative and underlying melancholy may puzzle younger viewers. Nonetheless, it’s precisely in these niche spaces that cult classics are born. Garnering praise at festivals like Cannes and Annecy, “Robot Dreams” strikes a chord with the lonely and forlorn, delivering a profound message about the power of love.

Unconventional Companionship and the Question of Love

The film raises an intriguing question: What kind of love transcends boundaries? The story hints at a queer-like bond between the two central characters, a dog and a mechanical robot. Despite their unconventional relationship, their companionship remains pure and innocent. As the dog, living a solitary life in the East Village, stumbles across a build-your-own-robot kit, a heartwarming friendship blossoms. The robot becomes a devoted and affectionate confidant, bringing joy to the dog’s monotonous routine. Together, they explore the city, relishing summer days filled with adventures.

Separation and Subconscious Yearning

But as the film progresses, tragedy strikes. After a day of fun at Coney Island, the robot succumbs to the corrosive powers of seawater, leaving the dog to face a long and lonely winter. Dreams become the only refuge for the abandoned robot as it tries to reunite with its beloved companion. While closure awaits them in the spring, the film embraces the idea that one can have multiple soulmates in life. It teaches us that finite relationships aren’t failures but rather poignant episodes in our journey.

A Visual Feast and Bittersweet Reflections

Clocking in at a runtime of 100 minutes, “Robot Dreams” offers a bittersweet narrative that could have been just as impactful as a shorter film. Nevertheless, the feature format allows Berger to weave a tapestry of delightful visual gags and clever nods to the era, including frozen food and advertising trends. The bustling streets of New York become a character of their own, inviting audiences into a world where dreams come to life in magical and unexpected ways.

In conclusion, “Robot Dreams” is an animated gem that explores the beauty of friendship and the complexities of love in an unconventional world. Pablo Berger’s thoughtful storytelling combined with the visually enchanting 2D animation make this film a must-watch for those who appreciate heartfelt tales that stay with you long after the credits roll.

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By f5mag

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