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In a heartbreaking incident, a British woman named Chloe Macdermott, 43, ended her life after purchasing a lethal substance from Amazon. The coroner’s court revealed that she had made a suicide pact on an online chat site, joining others who were also contemplating the same tragic fate.

Chloe had been battling with her mental health for several years, and she sought solace and information on an online forum dedicated to discussing suicide methods. Two days before her demise, she connected with two individuals with whom she formed an association to carry out the plan.

Tragically, when her husband was away, Chloe ingested the lethal substance around midnight. The next morning, she succumbed to its effects. This devastating incident highlights the dangers of online influence and the need for better regulation to prevent such tragedies.

The Dark Influence of Online Forums

It is deeply concerning that forums like the one Chloe used not only encourage suicide but also provide detailed information and methods for carrying it out. What’s more alarming is that there are no age restrictions or proper signposting to organizations that offer help and support to prevent suicide. This lack of accountability and the unfiltered exchange of harmful content can potentially facilitate criminal offenses.

Coroner Paul Rogers, after recording a conclusion of suicide, has issued a prevention of future deaths report to Google and Amazon. He believes that these tech giants possess the power to prevent similar tragedies by implementing stricter controls and taking responsibility for the content hosted on their platforms.

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The Role of Online Retailers

Apart from addressing the influence of online forums, it’s imperative to examine the availability of lethal substances through online retail platforms. In this case, Chloe purchased the poison from Amazon in the US, without effective border and custom controls. The ease with which such products can be obtained raises serious concerns that need to be addressed to prevent future incidents.

Taking Action to Prevent Future Tragedies

Coroner Paul Rogers has sent the prevention of future deaths report to various government bodies and organizations, urging them to respond and propose actions within 56 days. The report has been forwarded to Google, Amazon, and the Home, Health, and Culture secretaries, as well as the national lead for suicide prevention at the National Police Chiefs Council.

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Seeking Help and Support

It is important to remember that help is available for those struggling with mental health problems. If you or someone you know needs assistance, the following organizations provide support:

  • CALM:, 0800 585 858
  • Heads Together:
  • HUMEN:
  • Mind:, 0300 123 3393
  • Papyrus:, 0800 068 41 41
  • Samaritans:, 116 123
  • Movember:

Let us remember Chloe Macdermott and work collectively to create a safer online environment that prioritizes mental health and prevents future tragedies.

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By f5mag

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