Man accused of killing his wife and fleeing the country facing trial in U.S. after more than 30 years on the run

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A gripping tale of justice long overdue has come to light as a man accused of murdering his estranged wife more than three decades ago is now behind bars in northern Virginia and awaiting trial.

A Long-Awaited Reckoning

Jose Lazaro Cruz, 24 at the time, was charged with the stabbing death of 24-year-old Ana Jurado in West Falls Church, Virginia, on April 30, 1991. However, he managed to escape the clutches of justice by fleeing the country. Cruz became the prime suspect, but he managed to evade authorities by traveling to El Salvador, a country that did not allow extradition at the time.

While residing in El Salvador, Cruz remarried and started a new family, even working as a truck driver. For years, it seemed like he would never face trial for his alleged crime. However, fate caught up with him when he attempted to enter Costa Rica to visit family in July 2022, resulting in his detainment. With the help of U.S. marshals and the Department of Justice, Fairfax County Police were finally able to secure his extradition last week.

Escalating the Cold Case

Fairfax County Police Chief, Kevin Davis, clarified that this case was not your typical cold case, as they were always confident about the identity of the perpetrator but were unable to apprehend him. Speaking at a press conference, Davis emphasized the significance of bringing the accused to justice after more than three decades: “He was on the lam, he was on the run, he avoided accountability for something he did nearly 33 years ago. There is a reason in this country why there is no statute of limitations on the ultimate crime of murder, and that is reserved for special circumstances such as this one.”

A Journey to Justice

Cruz’s journey after escaping the United States was marked by a series of near-captures and fortunate escapes. Initially, he attempted to enter Canada using a fraudulent passport but was turned away. Undeterred, he then traveled to Houston and enlisted the help of a people smuggler to cross the southern border.

During the press conference, Lieutenant Colonel Eli Cory revealed that the original detective who charged Cruz, Fred Pfeiff, had passed away. However, his son, Aaron Pfeiff, a second lieutenant with Fairfax County Police, was present at the conference. Pfeiff expressed his commitment to bringing closure to the victim’s family, following in his father’s footsteps.

The Power of Perseverance

The arrest of Jose Lazaro Cruz is a testament to the unwavering determination of law enforcement to bring justice to those affected by senseless crimes. As Chief Davis stated, “We’ve never forgotten the family, we’ve never forgotten the seriousness of this senseless crime, and we never stopped.”

For more on this gripping story, visit F5 Magazine.

Source: NBC News Washington

By f5mag

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