A tragic incident unfolded in China’s southeastern Jiangxi province as a devastating fire engulfed a commercial building, resulting in the loss of at least 39 lives and leaving nine others injured. The fire broke out on Wednesday afternoon in the basement of a shopping area in the Yushui district. Upon receiving the distress call, rescue workers, firefighters, police, and local government officials rushed to the scene to control the situation.
Rescue operations were eventually completed, with no individuals remaining trapped inside the building. The structure housed an internet cafe in the basement and tutoring centers on the upper floors, according to reports from state broadcaster CCTV.
Image: Firefighters at the scene of the fire, which broke out in the basement of a shopping area. (Zhou Mi / Xinhua via AP)
Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed deep concern over the incident, emphasizing that it was yet another unfortunate safety tragedy. President Xi urged the government and Communist Party to take decisive action to prevent the recurrence of such accidents and to ensure the safety of people’s lives, property, and overall social stability. As part of these efforts, President Xi issued orders for the State Council’s Work Safety Committee to conduct a comprehensive review of safety measures to identify and address any gaps.
The cause of the fire is currently under investigation by local authorities. Meanwhile, in central Henan province, a separate fire erupted in a boarding school dormitory over the weekend, claiming the lives of 13 children. These incidents underscore the need for enhanced safety measures and stringent regulations to prevent further tragedies.
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