Ricardo, the bull who captured the hearts of many when he boldly walked along the New Jersey Transit tracks in December, has been battling an infection since Christmas. However, despite the setback, he is on the mend and doing great, as reported by the Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue, the organization that saved him.

A Road to Recovery

In a heartwarming update on Christmas Eve, the sanctuary shared a video from the Cornell Large Animal Hospital, where Ricardo has been receiving treatment. The video revealed that Ricardo had an abrasion, described later as a “half-dollar sized road rash,” on his right hind leg even before his rescue. Initially, he was placed on antibiotics, and everything seemed fine.

A Christmas Surprise

However, on Christmas Eve, the sanctuary staff noticed that the wound appeared “inflamed.” In response, they made the three-and-a-half-hour trip to Cornell, a place they describe as working miracles for them. Vets at Cornell sedated Ricardo to flush out and clean the wound, while also conducting X-rays and an ultrasound to ensure that the infection had not spread to his bones.

To aid his healing process, Ricardo was given a full leg cast to prevent excessive bending of the joint. The sanctuary has been keeping Ricardo’s fans updated with pictures and videos of his recovery, ensuring everyone that he has been a good boy throughout his battle with the pesky infection.

Slow but Steady Progress

As of January 14th, the sanctuary reported that Ricardo appears to be slowly but surely getting better. According to Mike Stura, the president and founder of the sanctuary, the hospital has the infection under control, and now Ricardo just needs time for his wound to heal.

Patience, Care, and Safety First

The Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue announced that Ricardo will remain at Cornell until he is fully healed. They are committed to prioritizing Ricardo’s health and will not risk exposing him to another infection just to save money or satisfy their own happiness. Stura assured NBC News that Ricardo has found his forever home at the sanctuary and will join the larger group of animals once he is cleared to return. However, he will undergo a few days of isolation to ensure his well-being before joining his newfound friends.

Ricardo’s journey is a testament to resilience, love, and the dedication of organizations like the Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue. We can all learn from his fighting spirit and the compassion shown by those who rallied around him during his time of need.

For more heartwarming animal stories, visit F5mag.com.

By f5mag

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