Renowned Japanese manga artist, Ashihara Hinako, has tragically passed away near Tokyo. The police are currently investigating her death as a possible suicide, as a note was found at her home on Monday.
A Controversial TV Adaptation
Ashihara Hinako is best known for her manga series, “Sexy Tanaka-san,” originally published by Shogakukan. The story follows a 40-year-old woman accountant who leads a secret life as a belly dancer. However, the recent live-action adaptation of the series by Nippon Television has caused significant controversy.
A Clash of Creative Visions
Ashihara expressed disappointment and frustration with the TV adaptation through social media earlier this year. She claimed that the live-action show did not faithfully follow her manga, which was an essential condition for its production. Despite deleting her posts, the conflict continued to escalate.
Social Media Outcry
Fans took to social media to express their opinions on the controversy. Some supported the TV adaptation and criticized Ashihara for being too precious about her work. Others accused the screenwriter, Aizawa Tomoko, of destroying the original story. The situation intensified after Ashihara’s death, with some even calling Aizawa a murderer.
The Aftermath
The tragic news has left Ashihara’s family devastated, and they have requested privacy during this difficult time. Nippon Television, the broadcaster of the TV adaptation, has not responded to the media’s inquiries.
Remembering Hinako Ashihara
Ashihara Hinako’s passing is a significant loss for the manga community and her fans worldwide. Her unique storytelling and remarkable characters captivated readers throughout her career. Let us remember her incredible contributions to the art form and the legacy she leaves behind.
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