Have you ever noticed how differently people treat you based on what you’re wearing? Well, according to TikTok fashionista Ceri Lester (@cerimarie1990), having cleavage can be a privilege. In a viral video, she candidly shares her experiences and reveals the benefits of wearing low-cut tops.

In the video, Ceri boldly claims, “I’m gonna tell you boob privilege is a real thing.” She explains that when she wears baggy t-shirts, she feels invisible. But as soon as she puts on a low-cut top, everything changes. People go out of their way to do things for her without even being asked. Strangers buy her dinner, offer to carry her shopping, and even pay for her drinks. It seems that her cleavage has become her secret weapon.

With over 173,000 followers on TikTok, Ceri has struck a chord with women who relate to her admission. The comments section is filled with laughter and inspiration. Some women joke that they are now motivated to wear low-cut tops, while others remind Ceri to embrace her power. Men, on the other hand, confess that they couldn’t focus on what she was saying because of her appearance.

This video has become one of Ceri’s most popular on TikTok, and it’s clear that low-cut tops have a broad appeal. So, the next time you want a little special treatment, maybe consider embracing the power of a low-cut top. Who knows what doors might open for you?

To watch Ceri’s video and join the conversation, click here.

This article was originally published on Pet Lovers Diary.

By f5mag

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