A super PAC supporting President Joe Biden plans to spend a substantial sum of money to highlight former President Donald Trump’s legal troubles and what it perceives as a threat to democracy. The campaign aims to sway swing state voters who have reservations about Trump due to his indictments, including attempts to overturn the 2020 election.

Shifting the Focus

The super PAC, called Unite the Country, intends to amplify advertisements that it believes will resonate with moderate or conservative-leaning swing state voters. These are individuals who are either anti-Trump or undecided about the former president due to his legal issues. Unite the Country aims to change the narrative by emphasizing Trump’s legal woes and their potential impact on his chances in the general election.

Targeting Critical Swing Voters

Steve Schale, the director of the group, emphasizes the significance of this segment of the electorate. He states, “We feel like this section of the electorate is critical, if not the critical, swing vote. We plan on leaning in early and often on this.” By focusing on swing voters who are concerned about democracy and the rule of law, Unite the Country aims to shift the political landscape in favor of Biden.

Biden’s Campaign Approach

Unlike Unite the Country, Biden’s campaign has deliberately avoided directly attacking Trump for his legal issues. The campaign wants to maintain independence from the perception that it might be using the Justice Department to target its political rival. Consequently, outside groups like Unite the Country will play a significant role in highlighting Trump’s indictments.

Leveraging Digital and TV Ads

Unite the Country plans to employ a mix of digital and TV ads in its $40 million campaign. The group has already started polling in swing states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to understand the issues that resonate with voters. During the 2020 election cycle, Unite the Country raised and spent nearly $50 million to support Biden, and it has already secured $2.1 million in funding this year, primarily from union groups.

Concerns and Polling Data

Unite the Country’s polling indicates that swing voters who have unfavorable views of both Trump and Biden are receptive to messaging that highlights Trump’s legal challenges. The polling suggests that these voters are hesitant to support Trump due to their belief that it would threaten democracy. Concerns about Trump’s role in a potential “coup” and the various indictments against him are also significant factors for these swing voters.

Trump’s Legal Troubles and the General Election

Trump’s legal issues could impact the general election, according to recent polling data from NBC News. If Trump were convicted of a felony before the election, Biden would have a 45%-43% advantage over him among registered voters. This is despite Trump’s lead in areas such as economic and immigration policies. However, some Republican pollsters argue that many voters have already made up their minds regarding Trump’s legal issues and that their decision will primarily be influenced by the incumbent’s record.

Unite the Country’s Optimism

Unite the Country remains optimistic about the potential impact of highlighting Trump’s legal troubles on key states. The group believes that swing voters, who were more open to voting for Trump in 2016 but less so in 2020, needed a compelling reason to change their minds. By shedding light on Trump’s legal issues and attempts to overturn the 2020 election, Unite the Country hopes to persuade these crucial voters.

To read the full article, visit F5mag.com.

By f5mag

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