The upcoming Oscars are already creating a buzz, and a recent promotional video released by ABC has only added fuel to the fire. In the video, host Jimmy Kimmel takes on the persona of “Barbie,” joined by Ryan Gosling, America Ferrera, and Kate McKinnon. But what caught everyone’s attention was the direct call-out to the Academy for snubbing filmmaker Greta Gerwig in the best director category for her film “Barbie.”
A Journey to the Oscars
In the video, Kimmel seeks guidance from McKinnon’s character, Weird Barbie, on how to get to the Oscars. Their adventure takes them through various sets, including a recreation of the “Oppenheimer” set where Kimmel pokes fun at his friend Matt Damon. Eventually, they end up in the Oscars lobby, where nominee America Ferrera appears and hilariously shares her perspective on hosting the event.
“It’s literally impossible to host the Oscars,” Ferrera tells Kimmel. “You have to be extraordinary, but somehow you’re always doing it wrong. You have to make fun of people, but you can’t make too much fun of them. You have to give everybody enough time, but you can’t go long. And you are the center of attention, but no one really cares you’re there. It’s a tough gig!”
Gosling’s Shocking Revelation
Just when the video couldn’t get any more interesting, Ryan Gosling, also an Oscar nominee this year, appears wearing Ken’s iconic hoodie from “Barbie” and holding a bag of food from In-N-Out. The witty banter between Gosling and Kimmel leads to a surprising revelation.
“I got In-N-Out! It’s kind of this cool social media trend where you get it before the Oscars,” Gosling says, referring to a viral moment when Paul Giamatti enjoyed In-N-Out after winning a Golden Globe.
Kimmel corrects him, saying, “Actually, the trend is to have In-N-Out after the Oscars. Actually, after you’ve won the Oscar.”
“Well, that’s not going to happen,” Gosling responds, hinting at Robert Downey Jr.’s frontrunner status in the best supporting actor race. “Good thing Greta has got [best] director in the bag!”
But when Ferrera reveals that Gerwig is not a best director nominee, Gosling lets out a scream of horror, joined by Ferrera, McKinnon, and Kimmel.
Disappointment and Support
Ryan Gosling and America Ferrera separately expressed their disappointment with the Academy for snubbing Gerwig. Gosling released a statement, emphasizing the importance of Gerwig and Margot Robbie to the success of the film.
“To say that I’m disappointed that they are not nominated in their respective categories would be an understatement,” Gosling said.
Despite the snub, “Barbie” remains the highest-grossing nominee at the 2024 Academy Awards, with a total of eight nominations. Margot Robbie is nominated for best picture as one of the film’s producers, while Gerwig received a nomination for adapted screenplay.
The Oscars are scheduled to air on Sunday, March 10 at 7 pm ET. You can watch the full promotional video here.
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