In a devastating turn of events, an Army officer lost his life after being crushed by an armoured personnel carrier. Shockingly, the safety alarm had gone unfixed for years, leading to this tragic accident. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining safety protocols within the military.

Max George was crushed to death by an armoured personnel carrier after a safety alarm had gone unfixed for years

Unfixed Safety Alarm Led to Fatal Accident

Second Lieutenant Max George, only 26 years old, had just exited the Warrior vehicle when the driver unknowingly reversed at high speed, tragically running him over. The crew, a staggering 40 meters away, belatedly realized the dreadful situation during an exercise on Salisbury Plain in 2022. The safety alarm, had it been functioning properly, would have alerted the driver that the rear door had been opened, likely saving Lt. George’s life. Unfortunately, the alarm had broken in 2018, leaving him vulnerable and unaware of the imminent danger.

Alarming Lack of Resources and Commitment

Upon investigation, it was revealed that the Army was over-committed and under-resourced, leading to an unnecessary and preventable loss of life. Soldiers were placed at considerable risk due to these circumstances. Air Marshal Steve Shell of the Defence Safety Authority stressed the urgency to improve safety measures to avoid similar incidents in the future, stating, “This accident was preventable, and there are areas we must improve upon immediately to prevent it happening again.”

A Remarkable Officer Remembered

Lt. Col. Jim Hadfield, speaking about Lt. George, described him as a natural commander who possessed both fierce determination and selfless compassion. Lt. George’s death is a tragic reminder of the sacrifices made by military personnel in the line of duty. His absence will be deeply felt by his comrades and loved ones.

Ensuring Enhanced Safety Measures

The Army has accepted all recommendations put forth during the investigation. This includes implementing additional safety measures for the Warrior’s rear exit. It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of maintaining and upgrading safety protocols to mitigate risks and safeguard the lives of military personnel.

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By f5mag

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