The struggle to secure a timely appointment with a GP has led desperate patients to seek alternative solutions, according to recent figures. Surprisingly, one in seven patients chose to pursue “DIY” medical treatment or sought assistance from others, as indicated by a recent survey.

The Desperate Search for Medical Attention

In an effort to address their health concerns, a fifth of those surveyed admitted to purchasing medications online or from pharmacies without consulting a doctor. Shockingly, one in three individuals delayed seeking medical attention despite experiencing pain. The Savanta poll conducted for the Liberal Democrats further revealed that almost one in four patients were unable to secure an appointment with a local GP. Quite dishearteningly, nearly a third of these patients eventually gave up attempting to secure an appointment altogether.

The Disappointment of Limited Access

Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey expressed his concerns over the distressing situation, stating, “People pay their fair share in taxes and rightfully expect basic local health services.” He further emphasized the alarming trend of patients resorting to “DIY” medical treatments. This desperate situation has been exacerbated by the dwindling availability of face-to-face GP appointments in certain regions of the country. The negligence endured under the Conservative Government has left patients suffering in pain, despite repeated promises to recruit more GPs.

Desperate patients are turning to 'DIY' medical treatment after failing to secure an appointment with a GP
Image credit: Getty

Seeking Solutions for Better Access to Healthcare

The plight of these desperate patients highlights the need for improved access to healthcare services. It is crucial that local health services are equipped to cater to the needs of the public. As a society, we cannot afford to neglect the basic healthcare requirements of our citizens. Addressing the shortage of available GP appointments and recruiting more medical professionals must be prioritized to prevent further distress and suffering.

Ed Davey said: 'Face-to-face GP appointments have become almost extinct in some areas of the country'
Image credit: Getty

Pet Lovers Diary recognizes the importance of reliable healthcare services for the wellbeing of both individuals and their beloved pets. It is disheartening to witness the desperation of patients resorting to “DIY” medical treatments due to the unavailability of GP appointments. We urge the government to take immediate action and fulfill their commitment to provide accessible and trustworthy healthcare options for everyone.

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By f5mag

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