
Imagine having a secret desire that you’re terrified to share with your partner. That’s exactly what I’m going through. I can’t stop dreaming about having a threesome with another man, and the thought consumes me. However, the fear of losing my wife is holding me back from revealing my deepest fantasies.

Let me give you a little background. I’m a 41-year-old man who has been happily married to my wife, who is 39, for 17 years. Together, we have two amazing boys, aged 15 and 13. Despite the love I have for my wife, I’ve always felt a certain attraction towards men. It’s something I’ve kept to myself all these years.

Lately, these thoughts have become impossible to ignore. I can’t shake off the desire to explore this sexual experience. Threesomes seem to be a popular topic these days, and it feels like I come across stories about them almost daily. However, whenever the subject arises in conversation with my wife, she makes it clear that she disapproves.

The fear of divorce weighs heavily on me. I know she won’t entertain the idea, and I don’t want to force her into anything. Yet, I can’t help but wonder if I’ll ever be able to put this fantasy behind me. It’s frustrating that I can’t get these dreams out of my head.


Dear Deidre says, “This may sound exciting, but threesomes can be dangerous territory for relationships. Real life is complex, and emotions and feelings aren’t as controllable as they are in dreams. Pressuring your partner into something she doesn’t want could cause irreparable damage, so why take the risk?”

If you’re looking to spice up your sex life, there are other ways to explore new experiences in the bedroom. Consider checking out the support pack called “50 Ways To Add Fun To Sex” for some inspiration.

You mention that you’re questioning your sexuality. Remember, sexuality is a spectrum, and it’s not about being firmly on one side or the other. These dreams may be awakening latent feelings, but they don’t necessarily have to lead to life-changing decisions. Confused feelings are not uncommon when it comes to fantasies. You might find some guidance in the support pack specifically addressing threesomes.


Remember, it’s crucial to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your desires and concerns. However, it’s important to approach the topic sensitively, keeping in mind the potential impact on your relationship. Ultimately, the decision to explore or set aside these fantasies should be made together, with mutual consent and respect.

To read more articles from Dear Deidre, visit

By f5mag

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