Are you aware that some of the appliances in your home might be costing you more money than you realize? Simply leaving them plugged in can add up to a significant amount over time. Let’s take a closer look at a few of these culprits and how much they could be costing you.

The Costly Culprits

  • Computer on Standby: Believe it or not, having your computer on standby could be setting you back £95 a year.
  • TV: Leaving your TV plugged in when not in use could cost you around £24 annually.
  • Wi-Fi Router: Even when you’re not using it, your Wi-Fi router could be costing you £19 a year.
  • Microwave: Keeping your microwave plugged in could amount to an average of £16 per year.
  • Game Consoles: Leaving game consoles on standby mode can cost you around £12 annually.
  • Printer: Don’t forget to unplug your printer, as it can cost you an additional £20 per year.

Slash Your Water Bills

Moving to a water meter can be an effective way to save some extra cash. However, it’s worth noting that if you use a substantial amount of water, this may not be the best option for you. To reduce your water usage and lower your bills, consider making simple changes to your daily habits. For example, try reducing the time you spend in the shower and avoid leaving the water running while brushing your teeth or washing dishes.

Seek Free Debt Advice

If you find yourself in debt, don’t worry. There are plenty of services available that offer free advice on managing debt. These services can provide you with guidance and help, either in person, over the telephone, or online.

Support for Those Struggling

If you’re struggling to cover the cost of your bills, there is support available. Currently, there are two installments of a £900 payment being made or set to come. These payments are available to individuals receiving specific benefits. Additionally, certain circumstances may make you eligible for the second and third installments of the £900 cost of living payment, which are worth £300 and £299, respectively. Furthermore, consider checking if you qualify for assistance through the Household Support Fund, available to thousands of people across England.

Pension Credit Benefits

Pensioners may be eligible for one or both parts of the pension credit benefit. The guarantee credit tops up your weekly income to a guaranteed minimum level, with amounts of £201.05 per week for singles and £306.85 per week for married couples. The savings credit provides extra money if you’ve saved money towards retirement, offering an additional £15.94 per week for a single person or £17.84 per week for a married couple. Some individuals may also receive additional pension credit if they are disabled, have caring responsibilities, or have certain housing costs such as mortgage interest payments.

How to Calculate Your Bill

To calculate your current energy costs, you’ll need to find out your unit rate for both gas and electricity, as well as the standing charge for each fuel type. The unit rate is typically displayed on your bill in pence/kWh, while the standing charge is a daily fee paid throughout the year, regardless of usage. Note down your annual energy usage from a previous bill, then multiply your usage in kWh by the corresponding unit rate cost to calculate your usage costs. Additionally, multiply each standing charge by 365 and add this figure to your usage costs to get your annual costs. Finally, divide the total by 12 to determine your expected monthly payment from January 1st.

Remember, being mindful of your energy consumption and taking steps to minimize unnecessary expenses can make a significant difference. So, unplug those small appliances, conserve water, seek financial advice when needed, and explore available support options. Your wallet will thank you.

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By f5mag

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