In a shocking turn of events, a self-proclaimed “healer” is denying responsibility for the death of a diabetic grandmother during a “slapping therapy” workshop at an upscale country hotel. Danielle Carr-Gomm, 71, was participating in the paida lajin technique, which involves patients being repeatedly slapped or slapping themselves, when tragedy unfolded.

A Controversial Practice

The paida lajin technique, involving slapping the skin and adopting muscle-stretching postures, stems from the ancient Chinese belief that toxins are expelled by “sha,” the concept of poisonous blood. However, the method has been criticized for lacking scientific evidence.

A Devoted Follower

Danielle Carr-Gomm had embraced alternative and holistic medicine to manage her diabetes since her diagnosis in 1999. Due to her fear of needles, the diabetes sufferer struggled to inject insulin and decided to attend the week-long workshop held at Cleeve House in Seend, Wiltshire, in hopes of finding a self-healing solution.

Tragic Circumstances

During the workshop, Danielle tragically lost her life. Hongchi Xiao, a 60-year-old from California and the founder of the Pailala Institute, which sells hand-shaped “slapper” implements, is now facing charges of manslaughter by gross negligence. After being extradited from Australia, Xiao appeared at Winchester Crown Court and pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Seeking Alternative Therapies

Danielle’s son, Matthew Carr-Gomm, shared that his mother was always eager to explore alternative methods for treating her diabetes. She firmly believed in the power of alternative and holistic medicine and therapies. Despite her relentless efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle, diabetes posed significant challenges. Nevertheless, Danielle remained determined to live life to the fullest.

A Grieving Family

Danielle’s untimely demise has left her loved ones devastated. She was in a happy place, enjoying life with a partner, a beautiful home, and traveling the world. Losing Danielle is an immeasurable loss for her family and friends. They are left with cherished memories of a vibrant woman who constantly sought ways to improve her well-being.

For more information on this tragic incident, visit

Danielle died after taking part in the therapy session

Hongchi Xiao has been charged over her death

Danielle was seeking alternative therapies for her diabetes

By f5mag

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