Israel’s renowned director, Talya Lavie, known for her movies “Zero Motivation” and “Honeymood,” is currently working on a captivating new film titled “Seven Eyes.” The movie revolves around the courageous female lookout soldiers stationed at the Israel-Gaza border on October 7th, a day when Hamas claimed the lives of over 1,200 Israeli civilians.

The Remarkable IDF “Lookout” Unit

Situated near the devastated village, Nahal Oz Outpost in Southern Israel, this “lookout” unit comprised solely of women relentlessly kept watch before the attack. They consistently reported suspicious activities, indicating that Hamas terrorists were preparing for a devastating strike. Talya Lavie, herself an esteemed alumna of the Sundance Directors and Screenwriters Lab, drew inspiration from their bravery to craft this powerful film.

Real Events Meet Fictional Characters

Though the film will follow fictional characters, it will be firmly grounded in true events. Out of the 24 lookout soldiers stationed at Nahal Oz on that fateful day, 15 fell victim to the attack, seven were abducted by Hamas into Gaza, and only two survived. Lavie aims to showcase their incredible stories on the silver screen.

In her previous film, “Zero Motivation,” Talya Lavie employed dark comedy to depict the lives of female Israeli soldiers. The movie turned out to be a major box office success in Israel. Now, with “Seven Eyes,” Lavie is ready to tackle a more serious subject matter, highlighting the extraordinary courage and determination exhibited by these female IDF soldiers.

A Stellar Production Team and Script Development

“Seven Eyes” will be produced by Spiro Films, a well-established Israeli banner known for their notable productions such as “When Heroes Fly,” “The Operative,” and “Foxtrot.” Currently at the script stage, the project is in the capable hands of Lavie, who is meticulously collecting testimonies, footage, and research material to create a comprehensive filmed archive.

A Director with an Impressive Track Record

Talya Lavie is no stranger to critical acclaim. Her directorial debut, “Zero Motivation,” received numerous international awards, including Best Film at Tribeca and the Nora Ephron Prize. It also won her the Best Director accolade at the Israeli Academy Awards. The movie’s success even led to a successful theatrical adaptation in Israel. Lavie’s second feature film, “Honeymood,” also garnered recognition at festivals such as Tribeca and the BFI London Film Festival, and received seven nominations at the Israeli Academy Awards.

Stay Tuned for More Exciting Projects

Apart from her film work, Lavie has also made her mark in the TV industry with series like “Screens” and “Sad City Girls.” Her series have even been showcased at the prestigious Canneseries in 2022.

For more details on Talya Lavie’s upcoming film “Seven Eyes,” be sure to visit for the latest updates.

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By f5mag

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