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Have you ever watched a movie and felt like something was just not right? Sometimes, it’s the music that throws everything off balance. In a recent viral scene from the film ‘May December,’ the use of a particular film score during a hot dog scene is causing quite a stir. Let’s dive into why this musical choice is problematic.

A Clash of Musical Worlds

Composer Earle Hagen once famously said, “Taking an old film score and dropping it into a new film is like wearing somebody else’s underwear.” This statement perfectly encapsulates the issue at hand. The film ‘May December’ features a viral hot dog scene that has captured the attention of audiences across the globe. But what has raised eyebrows is the choice of music accompanying this scene.

The Intrusion of Another Era

The use of a classic film score in a contemporary film can be jarring. It’s like mixing oil and water – they just don’t blend well. In this case, the score from a bygone era stands out like a sore thumb in the modern setting of ‘May December.’ It disrupts the flow of the film and breaks the immersion for the viewers. It’s a striking example of the clash between past and present.

The Importance of Music in Film

Music plays a vital role in setting the tone, enhancing emotions, and guiding the viewer’s experience. When done right, it can elevate a scene and create a powerful impact. However, when the music doesn’t align with the context or story being told, it can have the opposite effect. It can distract, confuse, and even undermine the intended message of the film.

Maintaining Authenticity

Artistic integrity and maintaining the authenticity of a film are crucial aspects of the filmmaking process. The music chosen for a scene should complement the visuals, evoke the right emotions, and enhance the overall storytelling. By using a score that doesn’t fit the time and place of the film, it compromises the integrity of the story and diminishes the viewer’s experience.

The Power of Good Music Choices

When music is thoughtfully selected for a film, it can create a seamless connection between the story and the audience. It can transport viewers into a world where they are fully immersed and emotionally engaged. Therefore, it is essential for filmmakers and composers to carefully consider the impact of their musical choices on the overall narrative.

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In the case of the viral hot dog scene from ‘May December,’ the use of an incongruous film score has sparked a debate on the importance of music in film. While some may argue that it adds an interesting twist, many believe that it disrupts the authenticity and distracts from the intended message of the film. As filmmakers continue to push boundaries and experiment with new ideas, it is crucial to remember the significance of maintaining coherence and consistency in all aspects of storytelling, including the music.

This article was written for F5 Magazine. Visit for more engaging content.

By f5mag

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