Julia Roberts, known for her iconic roles in movies like “Pretty Woman” and “Notting Hill,” recently spoke up in an interview with Vogue UK. The interviewer, Richard Curtin, who directed her in “Notting Hill,” asked the Oscar winner about the responsibility she feels towards other women when selecting her movie roles. Roberts replied candidly, sharing her perspective on the matter.
A Choice for Herself
When asked about whether she feels a sense of responsibility as an A-list star for more than three decades, Roberts responded thoughtfully. She admitted that she does consider the impact of her choices, but ultimately, she makes decisions based on her own values and preferences. “Do you ever think, ‘I’m representing something?'” Curtin asked. Roberts replied, “I think it’s a choice I make for myself.”
Fame: Cluttered and Exhausting
Another topic that came up during the conversation was Roberts’ thoughts on fame. The actress, who has experienced the highs and lows of being in the spotlight, expressed her views on the current state of fame. She described it as “cluttered” and “exhausting.” It’s not surprising that after years of constant attention, Roberts feels this way. She has managed to maintain a successful career while balancing her personal life, and it’s clear that fame has its challenges.
Julia Roberts’ Journey
Throughout her career, Julia Roberts has been known for her talent, charm, and relatability. Her roles have resonated with audiences, making her one of the most beloved actresses of our time. From “Pretty Woman” to “Erin Brockovich,” she has consistently captivated viewers with her performances. Even though she may not take on nude scenes or feel the need to represent something beyond her own choices, Roberts’ influence on the industry is undeniable.
In conclusion, Julia Roberts doesn’t let external expectations dictate her choices. She recognizes the importance of being true to herself and making decisions that align with her values. As she continues her journey in the entertainment industry, she remains committed to carving her own path. Fame may be cluttered and exhausting, but Julia Roberts is proof that staying grounded and staying true to oneself can lead to a successful and fulfilling career.
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