Renowned filmmaker Bong Joon-ho, the mastermind behind the critically acclaimed movie “Parasite,” took a stand against injustice during a recent press conference in Seoul. The event was held in response to the tragic death of actor Lee Sun-kyun, who died by suicide at the end of December.
Lee had been under investigation for alleged recreational drug use, and the relentless media and social media scrutiny surrounding his case took a toll on his mental health. In an effort to shed light on the situation, Bong, alongside a powerful coalition of artists, cultural organizations, and trade associations, called for an inquiry into the police’s handling of the case. They also urged the media to reflect on their sensationalist coverage, with public broadcaster KBS specifically criticized.
Seeking Justice and Reform
The press conference, held on the 19th floor of the Korea Press Center in Seoul’s bustling business district, served as a platform for various prominent figures to demand justice and reform. The event organizers made it clear that they would not entertain questions or hold a photo session, aiming to discourage sensationalism and speculation. Instead, each speaker took turns expressing their calls for justice and reform.
Among those who spoke were actor Choi Duk-moon, Yoon Jong shin, Lee Wontae, Kim Eui Sung, Choi Jung-hwa (representing the Producers Guild of Korea), Koh Young Jae (from the Independent Film Association), director Jang Hang-joon, Kwak Shin Ae (representing Barunson production firm and Women in Film), Lee Won-tae (film director), Lee Ju-yeon (from the Kore Film Marketing Association), and Choi Jung Haw (chair of the PGK).
“We hope that such a tragedy will never befall another pop culture artist during the investigation process. This is the demand of the cultural and artistic community in the wake of Lee Sun-kyun’s untimely death,” emphasized Yoon Jong-shin.
Demanding Transparency and Accountability
Bong Joon-ho, visibly emotional, voiced his demands for a thorough investigation. He called on the authorities to look into any potential security lapses during Lee’s investigation. Bong wanted to know if there were any instances of media interference and insisted that the results be made public to dispel any doubts surrounding the case.
As an ad hoc collective, the group highlighted the need for legislative improvements to ensure that the rights of suspects are not compromised and that the public’s right to know is respected. They expressed concerns about the arbitrary interpretation and application of the law by investigative authorities.
The protest led by Bong Joon-ho echoes the sentiment of the entire artistic community. By taking a stand against sensationalism and advocating for justice and reform, they aspire to prevent such tragedies from occurring again in the future.
Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.