South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-ho, renowned for his critically acclaimed film “Parasite,” took a stand for justice and led a press conference in Seoul. This came in the wake of the tragic suicide of actor Lee Sun-kyun, amidst a storm of media and social media attention.

Seeking Accountability and Reflection

Bong Joon-ho, along with a powerful coalition of artists, cultural organizations, and trade associations, called for an investigation into the police’s handling of Lee’s case. They also urged the media to reflect on their sensationalist coverage, which may have contributed to Lee’s decision to take his own life. Public broadcaster KBS received particular criticism for its role in the matter.

The ad hoc group emphasized the need for legislative improvements to prevent the reversal of principles and exceptions between suspects’ rights and the public’s right to know. They also stressed the importance of ensuring investigative authorities do not arbitrarily interpret and apply the law’s intent.

Pressing for Justice and Reform

The press conference was held on the 19th floor of the Korea Press Center in Seoul’s central business district. In a departure from traditional press conferences, the organizers announced that they would not entertain questions, provide supplementary answers, or hold a photo session. Instead, the event featured a series of speakers advocating for justice and reform.

Prominent figures such as Yoon Jong shin, Lee Won-tae, Kim Eui Sung, Choi Jung-hwa (representing the Producers Guild of Korea), Koh Young Jae (from the Independent Film Association), director Jang Hang-joon, Kwak Shin Ae (representing Barunson production firm and Women in Film), Lee Ju-yeon (of the Kore Film Marketing Association), and PGK chair Choi Jung Haw, each voiced their calls for justice and reform.

A Plea for Prevention

Yoon Jong-shin expressed hope that such a tragedy would never befall the pop culture artist community again. Bong Joon-ho, visibly moved, demanded a thorough investigation into any lapses in the security of the deceased’s case from its initial exposure to its conclusion, two months later. He also stressed the need for transparency, demanding that the investigation’s results be made public to dispel any doubts.

The cultural and artistic community stood together, united in demanding justice for the late Lee Sun-kyun. Their plea echoed through the conference halls, leaving an indelible mark on the fight for a fair and just society.

More to come…

(Source: F5 Magazine)

By f5mag

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