Jeopardy! viewers were left fuming after the rebooted ITV series aired on Thursday. The quiz show, hosted by the legendary Stephen Fry, was branded the “worst quiz show to ever hit screens” by frustrated viewers. Many have predicted that the “unwatchable” show will be axed by the broadcaster soon.

Disappointment and Complaints

As the latest episode aired on ITV1 at 4 pm, viewers took to Twitter to express their disappointment. One user called it the “worst quiz show ever broadcast on TV,” while another said it was worse than Tipping Point. The format of the show was also criticized, with viewers claiming it could be much better.

Heaps of Backlash

Since its return on New Year’s Day after a 25-year hiatus, Jeopardy! has received a lot of backlash. UK fans were particularly unimpressed with the latest episodes, and many believe the series will be canceled. Even the show’s host, Stephen Fry, has been labeled “obnoxious” by some viewers.

A Successful Original

Jeopardy! originated as an American television series in 1964. The original daytime format, hosted by Art Fleming, aired on NBC until 1975. After a three-year hiatus, the show was revived for a 21-week run with a slightly different format from 1978 to 1979. It garnered great success in the US, earning 74 Emmy nominations, 32 wins, and a George Foster Peabody Award.

Despite the criticism, Jeopardy! continues to air on ITV1 and ITVX on weekdays. Let’s see if it manages to win over its viewers or if the complaints prove too much for the show to handle.

Watch Jeopardy! on ITV1 and ITVX from Monday 1st January 2024.

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By f5mag

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