Carles Falcon


In a devastating turn of events, Spanish motorcycle rider Carles Falcon has tragically lost his life following a crash during the Dakar Rally in Saudi Arabia. Falcon, 45, had been in an induced coma since the incident occurred during the second stage on January 7th. Despite the efforts of the medical team, the neurological damage caused by the cardiorespiratory arrest at the time of the accident proved irreversible. This sad news has left the racing community in mourning.

A Passionate Rider Remembered

Carles Falcon was not only an experienced rider but also someone who approached life with a contagious smile and an unyielding enthusiasm for motorbikes. He dedicatedly pursued his passion, making his dream a reality by participating in the Dakar Rally, an event he cherished. Falcon’s team, TwinTrail Racing, shared the heartbreaking news on Instagram, describing him as a vibrant individual who embraced life to the fullest. Carles Falcon will always be remembered for his infectious spirit and love for the sport.

The Dakar Rally: A Grueling Endurance Test

Now in its 46th edition, the Dakar Rally is known for its formidable challenges and demanding terrains. Originally an arduous race from Paris to Dakar, it was relocated to South America in 2009 due to security concerns. The event eventually found a new home in Saudi Arabia in 2020 and now forms the flagship of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile world rally-raid championship. Spanning 4,903 miles, the rally is a test of endurance, skill, and determination for both the participants and their teams.


Carles Falcon’s untimely demise serves as a reminder of the risks involved in motorsport. As we mourn the loss of a talented rider, let us remember his indomitable spirit and passion for the sport. Our thoughts go out to his family, friends, and the entire racing community during this difficult time.

To read more about this tragic incident, visit


By f5mag

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