Jenna Ortega, the talented actress known for her role in the Netflix series “Wednesday,” recently shared some exciting news about the show’s second season. During an interview on the Emmys red carpet, she revealed that she has already received scripts for the upcoming season, which is set to start production in the spring [^1^].

Ortega expressed her enthusiasm for the new season, mentioning that it will delve deeper into the horror genre. She highlighted the fact that her character, Wednesday, remains wonderfully unchanged throughout the show, and the upcoming episodes will showcase one-liners and amplified action sequences, transforming each episode into a cinematic experience [^1^].

Building on the success of the first season, the production for “Wednesday” Season 2 is relocating from Romania to Ireland. According to confirmed reports, shooting is scheduled to commence in April [^1^]. The show follows Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams, who enrolls at Nevermore Academy. It was also announced that Netflix is developing a spinoff centered around Fred Armisen’s character, Fester [^1^].

During a conversation with Elle Fanning for Variety’s “Actors on Actors,” Ortega shared her priorities for the show’s second season. She emphasized the desire to lean more into the horror aspect while maintaining the lighthearted tone that makes the series unique [^1^].

Additionally, Ortega mentioned that the love triangle subplot from the first season, involving Wednesday and two other characters, will no longer be present in Season 2. This decision was made to stay true to the essence of her character [^1^].

Jenna Ortega attended the Emmys as a nominee for her outstanding lead actress performance in “Wednesday.” Although she didn’t win the award, her presence and recognition reflect the impact she has made on the show [^1^].

With all these exciting details surrounding the second season of “Wednesday,” fans can’t wait to see how Jenna Ortega brings her unique charm and talent to the screen once again. Stay tuned for further updates on this thrilling Netflix series.

F5 Magazine


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