Scranton, Pennsylvania – In a heart-wrenching incident, five individuals tragically lost their lives after being struck by a tractor trailer on Interstate 81 in northeastern Pennsylvania. The incident occurred after they had exited their vehicles due to another crash on the snow-covered highway, according to state police.
A Fateful Chain of Events
The unfortunate chain of events began when a minivan lost control and collided with the median on the northbound lanes of Interstate 81 in Lackawanna County on Tuesday evening. In response to this collision, four occupants of the minivan, along with another individual who had been trailing them in a separate car, left their vehicles.
Tragically, as they stood on the roadside, a passing tractor trailer struck them, instantly claiming their lives.
Urgent Response
Multiple agencies, including the coroner’s office, fire departments, and state police, swiftly responded to the scene. County Coroner Timothy Rowland confirmed that all five victims hailed from New York state, but further details about their identities were not immediately available.
Treacherous Weather Conditions
At the time of the accident, a winter weather advisory was in effect until 4 p.m., with several inches of snow falling throughout the day. The National Weather Service had warned of hazardous road conditions due to freezing temperatures. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation had advised motorists to exercise caution.
Janet Pohoda, a trucker who traveled the same route a few hours later, reported encountering slippery roads due to the snow. In light of the tragedy, she urged others to avoid traveling until the roads were safer, stating, “It’s sad, but I would tell them to get off the road for tonight until the roads are in better condition, you know, cleared up more.”
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Source: NBC News