
The upcoming documentary, “Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story,” has generated significant buzz ahead of its premiere at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival. The film chronicles the rise of the iconic Hollywood star and the life-changing horse-riding accident that left him paralyzed. In a recent interview with Variety, Reeve’s children – Will, Matthew, and Alexandra – shared their thoughts on their father’s legacy and their involvement in the documentary.

A Gift of a Documentary

Alexandra expressed her gratitude for the documentary, stating that it is a “beautiful gift” to see their parent’s life told in its entirety. She emphasized the importance of portraying a life well-lived, encompassing both the public facade and the private moments.

Matthew echoed Alexandra’s sentiments, acknowledging how fortunate they are to have access to their father’s films, home movies, and interviews. Discovering previously unseen footage and interviews has not only enhanced their perception of their father but also provided them with a deeper understanding of his life and career.

No Involvement in “The Flash” Cameo

When asked about their thoughts on their father’s appearance in the Warner Bros. film “The Flash,” where his likeness was recreated using CGI, none of Reeve’s children had watched it or were involved in the cameo. The studio’s decision to include their father’s Superman character in the multiverse storyline using technology was controversial but didn’t impact their own experiences or perspectives.

Beyond Superman: Recognizing Underrated Roles

Reflecting on their father’s career, Will shared an intriguing anecdote. He mentioned how, following a rebranding of a local movie theater in their hometown, he was asked to screen one of his father’s films. Instead of choosing “Superman,” Will opted for “Remains of the Day,” a film in which Christopher Reeve played a smaller but important role. He highlighted the pride his father had for that particular performance and emphasized the significance of showcasing a different side of his talent. While Superman remains iconic, Will focused on the lesser-known roles that displayed his father’s versatility.

“Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story” is set to make its debut at the Sundance Film Festival, and the filmmakers are currently seeking distribution opportunities to bring the documentary to a wider audience.

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By f5mag

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