A tender drama set in the Himalayan foothills, “Girls Will Be Girls” tells the story of a mother and daughter coming of age in an Indian boarding school. Directed by Shuchi Talati, this captivating debut film explores the challenges of navigating adolescence in a conservative and repressive environment. Talati weaves a tale of angst and desire, using stunning visuals to fill the gaps left by the characters’ inability to fully express their burgeoning sexuality.

A School Defined by Tradition

Sixteen-year-old Mira, played by Preeti Panigrahi, is appointed as the Head Prefect of her school, the first girl to earn this prestigious title. Her responsibilities include enforcing school rules and maintaining discipline among her peers. As Mira recites the morning assembly pledge, she is reminded of the deep-rooted conservatism that permeates Indian culture and the silence surrounding teenage sexuality.

Forbidden Desires

Mira’s encounter with Sri, a charismatic new student portrayed by Kesav Binoy Kiron, awakens her desires. Their secret conversations and stolen glances inject life into the film’s captivating frames. However, Mira must hide her romance from her mother, Anila (Kani Kusruti), who is supportive of her daughter’s journey to adulthood but still bound by her own past.

A Mother’s Liberation

As Mira and Sri grow closer, Anila witnesses her daughter’s coming of age as a reflection of her own unfulfilled youth. The complex relationship between mother and daughter unfolds through charged glances and unspoken conversations. Panigrahi and Kusruti deliver powerful performances, conveying emotions with silent stares that bridge the gap between generations.

Silence Speaks Volumes

Talati and cinematographer Jih-E Peng masterfully create a world of both isolation and vividness. The film’s wordless moments are beautifully framed, intensifying the characters’ interior struggles. Talati artfully explores Mira’s sexuality, presenting it with sensitivity and honesty rarely seen in Indian cinema. Scenes that depict Mira’s self-exploration, from practicing kissing to her first experience of masturbation, are revolutionary in their open and genuine depiction of female teen sexuality.

Balancing Romance and Reality

While exploring their love, Mira and Sri also face the challenges of maintaining their academic pursuits. They navigate the watchful eyes of their families and the school’s strict environment. Talati’s deft and empathetic handling of uncomfortable topics and realistic portrayals demonstrates her potential as a promising filmmaker. Through prolonged close-ups and intimate moments of touch, Talati delves into the characters’ unspoken desires and reveals a unique storytelling perspective.

In “Girls Will Be Girls,” Shuchi Talati delves into the complexities of teenage sexuality and the constraints imposed by traditional Indian society. With remarkable performances and breathtaking visuals, the film leaves a lasting impression. Talati’s sensitive and nuanced approach to storytelling makes her directorial debut a standout amongst contemporary cinema.

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By f5mag

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