Christopher Eccleston

Christopher Eccleston, known for his roles in “Doctor Who” and “True Detective,” recently shared a shocking incident during the filming of a sex scene. The actor revealed that an A-list actress accused him of “copping a feel,” which he described as an abuse of power.

In an interview with The Independent, Eccleston disclosed the incident, stating, “I did a sex scene with an A-list actress, and she implied, in front of the crew, that I was copping a feel. Because she didn’t like me.” Although Eccleston did not name the actress, he expressed his palpable anger towards the accusation.

Fortunately, this incident occurred before the Harvey Weinstein scandal came to light, sparing Eccleston from facing severe consequences. Still, he admitted feeling betrayed by a fellow actor, saying, “I have to say to you that I would sooner have put my hands in a food blender than copped a feel of that person.”

Eccleston emphasized the importance of having an intimacy coordinator on set, stating that such a situation may not have arisen with their presence. He believes that trust between actors is crucial but can be abused. The actor also praised the inclusion of intimacy coordinators as a wonderful innovation in the industry, not just for protection but also for creative decision-making.

In the upcoming season of “True Detective,” Eccleston plays a police boss engaged in an affair with Jodie Foster’s character. Eccleston expressed his admiration for Foster, considering her a personal heroine since childhood. He mentioned that his decision to take on the role was primarily due to the opportunity to work with Foster.

This incident sheds light on the challenges actors face while performing intimate scenes and highlights the importance of ensuring a safe and respectful working environment for all. Eccleston’s story serves as a reminder that trust and communication between actors are vital in portraying such scenes convincingly.

Source: F5 Magazine

By f5mag

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