Are you familiar with Liz Cheney? Well, Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips surely is. As he embarks on his underdog presidential campaign, he frequently mentions both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. However, it’s Cheney’s name that has taken center stage in Phillips’ campaign events in New Hampshire.

What makes Liz Cheney so special? It’s her unwavering commitment to “principle over party” that has caught Phillips’ attention. Despite losing her congressional seat due to her outspoken opposition to Trump following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Cheney remains an inspiration to Phillips. He sees her as a symbol of standing up for what you believe in, even if it costs you your political career.

During a campaign event in Concord, Phillips explained, “I literally left the House Democratic leadership table. I resigned because it was so incongruent with my principles. I’d seen Liz Cheney stand up for principle, and I thought my time is right now too.”

Phillips and Cheney have even been in touch since he launched his long-shot presidential bid in October. Although they may not be politically aligned on everything, they both agree that preserving democracy is of utmost importance. Phillips admires Cheney’s courage in calling out Trump, supporting his second impeachment, and leading the House investigation into the Capitol attack, despite the potential political risks.

“I’m a Democrat in front of you today who did an advertisement for Liz Cheney in her Wyoming primary because I saw principle on display,” Phillips declared in Nashua, New Hampshire. “I don’t care what my party thinks. She is worthy of me telling the truth to the country that she is a person of principle.”

Phillips acknowledges that his decision to challenge President Biden in the primary has resulted in him being “excommunicated” from his party. He accuses his colleagues of privately acknowledging Biden’s electoral weakness while publicly proclaiming their support. This hypocrisy, he believes, is detrimental to the country’s well-being.

Despite the personal career cost, Phillips remains committed to exposing uncomfortable truths within his party. He relates to Cheney’s experience of being cast aside by her own party for staying true to her principles. Phillips hopes that his candidacy will prevent the country from going off course.

What sets Phillips and Cheney apart is their willingness to put country above personal gain. Their ability to confront uncomfortable truths within their own parties is a quality that resonates with many voters.

So, as Dean Phillips continues his presidential campaign, he draws inspiration from Liz Cheney’s example. He believes in doing what’s right, even if it means facing the consequences. Let’s see where his journey takes him and whether his principles will prevail.

If you want to learn more about this inspiring story, check out the source link.

Liz Cheney on NBC's "Today Show" on Dec. 4, 2023.

By f5mag

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