John Cena, the renowned wrestler and actor, is expressing his full support for WWE’s recent collaboration with Netflix. The partnership entails streaming “Monday Night Raw” on the platform from 2025 onwards. At the world premiere of his latest movie, “Argylle,” held in London, Cena sat down with Variety and shared his congratulations to his former rival, Dwayne Johnson, for joining the board of WWE’s parent company, TKO.

According to Cena, the WWE-Netflix deal is a win-win situation for everyone involved. He believes that it will not only benefit WWE and TKO but will also be advantageous to Netflix as it will gain global exposure. Cena expressed his joy, stating, “And with WWE, the entertainment never stops. They know they have a reliable source of constant entertainment. This is a partnership that’s great for both brands. I couldn’t be happier.”

As for Cena’s future on Netflix, the multi-talented performer didn’t rule out the possibility of appearing on the streaming platform. However, he also acknowledged his plans to take a step back from wrestling. Cena emphasized that WWE will always be his family, and he would be available in any capacity they require. Additionally, he expressed his hope of being part of Netflix in 2025.

In the movie “Argylle,” directed by Matthew Vaughn, Cena takes on the role of Wyatt, the right-hand man to Henry Cavill’s fictional spy. During the premiere, Cena revealed that the film contains numerous unexpected twists and turns that even surprised him. He described it as “way different than the script I got” and praised its suspenseful nature.

“Argylle” revolves around Elly Conway, played by Bryce Dallas Howard, an introverted spy novelist whose books start predicting real-life events in the world of espionage. Elly is pulled into the action by an undercover spy named Aiden, portrayed by Sam Rockwell, with her beloved cat, Alfie, in tow. While the story is said to be based on a book attributed to the enigmatic Elly Conway, the author’s identity remains undisclosed. There have been rumors speculating that Taylor Swift may have written the novel, but Vaughn promptly debunked that notion.

Regarding the mysterious nature of the film, Cena humorously commented, “There’s been a lot of rumors about who Elly Conway really is. I don’t know, but I think it’s wonderful that a movie based on espionage with the tag line ‘the greater the spy the bigger the lie’ has espionage and misdirection on the way to the release.”

“Argylle” is set to hit theaters on February 2.

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By f5mag

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