Tessa Thompson, the talented actor and producer, has secured a multi-year first-look film deal for her production company, Viva Maude, with Amazon MGM Studios. This exciting partnership was recently announced, and it comes as Thompson is currently working on “Hedda,” a reinterpretation of the classic stage play “Hedda Gabler” by Henrik Ibsen. The film is being produced under the Orion Pictures banner, which is part of Amazon MGM.

A Collaboration for Impactful Storytelling

Thompson’s collaboration with Amazon MGM Studios has been fruitful thus far. She has already starred in all three films of the “Creed” franchise alongside Michael B. Jordan, and in 2020, she executive produced and starred in “Sylvie’s Love” for Prime Video. These projects showcase Thompson’s commitment to influencing culture through powerful and captivating storytelling.

Excitement for the Future

The heads of film creative and strategy at Amazon MGM Studios, Julie Rapaport, and Alana Mayo, expressed their enthusiasm for the partnership with Viva Maude. They praised Thompson’s talent and described her as a true force in the industry. As the production of “Hedda” continues, they believe that the timing is perfect to formalize their relationship with Thompson’s production company. Together, they aim to develop inclusive and impactful stories that uplift, inspire, and entertain audiences.

Creating Room for Bold Projects

Thompson founded Viva Maude with the vision of creating more space for innovative projects. She wanted to provide room for collaborators to think boldly and for artists to explore new possibilities. Amazon MGM/Orion Pictures has consistently proven to be the ideal partner for ambitious work, making Thompson excited to have their thoughtful leadership on her side.

A Promising Slate of Projects

Viva Maude is currently involved in the development of over 20 feature films and television projects. Among them are “The Secret Lives of Church Ladies” for Max and “Luster” for HBO. Previously, Viva Maude had a first-look deal with HBO, and their collaboration has now expanded to include Amazon MGM Studios. Kishori Rajan, known for her work on “Random Acts of Flyness,” joined Viva Maude as the Senior VP of Development and Production in 2021.

The Journey Continues

Thompson’s talent and dedication have earned her representation from top agencies such as WME, Mosaic, and Shelter PR. Jeff Bernstein at Jackoway Austen Tyerman is her legal representative. With the first-look deal between Viva Maude and Amazon MGM Studios, Thompson’s journey as an influential actor and producer is set to continue blossoming.

For more information, you can read the source article on F5mag.com.

By f5mag

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