The British Army is reportedly considering a mission rehearsal to train a “citizen’s army” composed of 500,000 ordinary Britons. This plan comes after a top Army official warned that millions of civilians could face conscription in the event of a war with Russia. In a speech at the International Armoured Vehicles Conference, General Sir Patrick Sanders, Chief of the General Staff, emphasized the need to mobilize the nation and prepare for the possibility of World War 3.

Lessons Learned from Training Ukrainian Civilians

According to an insider from the Ministry of Defence, the training of Ukrainian civilians for combat since June 2022 could serve as a valuable experience for training the future “citizen’s army” in the UK. The source believes that the training has provided useful lessons that could be applied to training everyday Britons for any future conflict. This observation suggests that the UK is preparing to generate its own second echelon.

The Urgent Need to “Mobilize the Nation”

With the British Army currently at its smallest in centuries, General Sir Patrick Sanders called for a shift in the mindset of the public. He stressed the importance of ordinary Britons being willing to defend their country against foreign adversaries. It should be noted that the Army chief does not support conscription. However, he believes that the public should adopt a “troop mentality” and be ready to respond if NATO engages in a war with Russia.

Heightened Threats of War

Concerns about the risk of a conflict with Russia have been increasing. Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer, Chief of NATO’s military committee, recently called on the West to prepare for an era of war, stating that NATO needs a warfighting transformation. He emphasized the importance of having a system in place to recruit more people if war becomes a reality. Bauer’s remarks highlight the need for mobilization, reservists, or conscription in the event of a conflict with Russia.

The Importance of Citizen Armies

General Sir Patrick Sanders drew attention to the example of Ukraine, explaining that regular armies start wars, but citizen armies win them. He urged the current generation not to repeat the mistakes of the past and stressed the importance of being prepared. The Army chief highlighted that Britain’s pre-war generation failed to recognize the implications of the July Crisis in 1914, which led to the devastating World War 1. He emphasized the need for a whole-of-nation undertaking to prepare for the possibility of war.

A Historical Perspective on Conscription in the UK

The last time the UK implemented conscription was on September 3, 1939, when Britain declared war on Germany. The National Service (Armed Forces) Act required all males between the ages of 18 and 41 to register for military service. Various exemptions were in place for those who were medically unfit or employed in essential industries. National Service continued until the last servicemen were demobilized in 1963.

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By f5mag

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