The highly acclaimed film “Oppenheimer” by Christopher Nolan is finally set to grace Japanese screens in a theatrical release. Indie distributor Bitters End announced that the film will premiere on March 29, just a couple of weeks following the Oscars ceremony where “Oppenheimer” is expected to receive multiple accolades.

At the recent Oscars nomination event, “Oppenheimer” emerged as the front-runner with an impressive 13 nominations, including best picture, best director, and a trio of acting nods. This recognition solidifies its status as a must-see movie.

Despite its success worldwide, earning a staggering $952 million, “Oppenheimer” has been surrounded by controversy in Japan. The film delves into the creation of the two atomic bombs, which resulted in the devastating loss of numerous Japanese lives in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Last year, the film was released in most territories by Universal. However, Toho-Towa, a prominent sub-distributor in Japan, chose not to release it. Enter Bitters End, who picked up the film in December after thoughtful consideration of the subject matter and the sensitivity surrounding it for the Japanese audience.

Bitters End expressed their admiration for Christopher Nolan’s ability to transcend conventional storytelling, creating a truly unique cinematic experience that demands to be seen on the big screen. They invite Japanese audiences to witness “Oppenheimer” firsthand and form their own opinions about this captivating true story.

On social media, Bitters End hailed “Oppenheimer” as a spectacular drama that uncovers the unknown life of a man who held the world’s fate in his hands while facing a crisis that could potentially destroy it. Critics have praised it as Nolan’s finest work to date, positioning it as a top contender for various film awards.

Bitters End is no stranger to delivering Oscar-worthy movies to Japanese audiences. Having previously handled the multi-Oscar-winning “Parasite” and currently showcasing Japan’s Oscar-nominated film “Perfect Days,” they are known for their commitment to bringing outstanding cinema to the forefront.

Don’t miss the opportunity to witness Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece “Oppenheimer” when it arrives in Japanese cinemas after the Oscars. Get ready to be captivated by its compelling storytelling and remarkable performances. For more details, visit

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By f5mag

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