The Berlin Film Festival’s Berlinale Special section is set to showcase a trio of captivating Japanese films. These late additions include “Chime” by renowned director Kurosawa Kiyoshi, “August My Heaven” by emerging talent Kudo Riho, and “The Strangers’ Case” directed by Brandt Andersen. Each film promises to leave audiences enthralled.
Unveiling the Intrigue: “Chime” and “August My Heaven”
“Chime” tells the story of Tashiro, a culinary school student who starts hearing voices in his head. To his teacher’s indifference, Tashiro reveals a remarkable secret: half of his brain has been replaced by a machine. This mind-bending exploration of identity and perception is sure to captivate viewers.
On the other hand, “August My Heaven” introduces us to Joe, who earns a living as a professional stand-in actor. Joe is adept at playing different roles, such as a relative, lover, or friend, and attending various ceremonies on behalf of her clients. However, after an encounter at a funeral, Joe’s personal and professional lives begin to intertwine, leading to unexpected consequences.
Gripping Drama Unfolds: “The Strangers’ Case”
“The Strangers’ Case” takes us on an emotional rollercoaster as it delves into the tragedy that befalls a Syrian family in war-torn Aleppo. This event sets off a chain reaction involving five different families spread across four countries. Described as a “kaleidoscopic tale,” the film boasts a stellar cast, including the talented Omar Sy (“Lupin,” “The Intouchables,” “Jurassic World”), Jason Beghe, and Yasmine Al Massri (“Quantico”).
Bringing Diversity to the Berlinale Special
The festival organizers praised the inclusion of these two Japanese films in the Berlinale Special section, highlighting their ability to craft compelling narratives within a shorter duration. They believe that both Kurosawa Kiyoshi’s masterpiece and Kudo Riho’s fresh take on storytelling exemplify the art of captivating audiences.
These new additions complete the lineup for the Berlinale Special section, which features an array of other intriguing titles. Some of the previously announced films include Atom Egoyan’s “Seven Veils,” David and Nathan Zellner’s “Sasquatch Sunset” starring Riley Keough and Jesse Eisenberg, and the documentary “Made in England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger,” among others.
For more information about the Berlinale Special and the exciting films it offers, visit and prepare to be swept away by the magic of cinema.
Source: Variety