Roman Kemp, the renowned DJ-turned-television presenter, has delighted fans with a major update on his BBC game show, “The Finish Line.” After hosting the first series alongside Sarah Greene last year, Roman has revealed that filming has officially begun for the highly-anticipated second series.

Roman Kemp has given fans a major update on his BBC game show The Finish Line
Credit: BBC

Taking to Instagram, Roman shared a snapshot from the TV set in Belfast, where he is currently celebrating his birthday. Expressing gratitude for the birthday messages, Roman wrote, “Thanks for the birthday messages. Been spent well on set in Belfast!”

“The Finish Line” features contestants competing in thrilling quiz-fueled races across an innovative racetrack set. The show emphasizes the importance of knowledge, as it directly translates to speed and success. The first series, which aired on BBC One late last year, garnered significant attention, becoming a direct rival to ITV1’s “Tipping Point.”

Produced by Potato, the same company behind popular shows like “The Chase,” “Sitting on a Fortune,” and “Moneyball,” “The Finish Line” has been given the green light for its second series. Excitingly, the new series has been extended, with BBC One ordering 30 episodes for its daytime schedule. Fans can expect to catch the action-packed show later this year.

The Finish Line sees contestants compete in quiz-fueled races across a unique racetrack set
Credit: BBC

If you missed the first series, fear not! You can now stream it on BBC One and iPlayer. Stay up to date with all the latest news, gossip, and scandals in the world of entertainment by visiting F5 Magazine’s celebrity live blog.

Stay tuned for more updates on “The Finish Line” and get ready for an adrenaline-pumping and knowledge-filled second series that promises to be even more electrifying than the first!

Source: The Sun

By f5mag

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