Martin Compston, known for his role as DS Steve Arnott in the hit BBC series “Line of Duty,” has recently spoken out against the prevalence of “gratuitous” sex scenes in TV shows. The actor, who has previously done nude scenes, now maintains that he will only appear nude on screen if it is essential to the story.

In an interview, Martin expressed his concern about the increasing number of “titillating” nude scenes in streaming shows. He believes that streaming platforms have recognized the allure of nudity and are using it purely for the sake of attracting viewers. In the past, television dramas were subject to watershed restrictions and had to adhere to certain content guidelines. However, streamers have more freedom in what they can depict.

Martin acknowledges that people have always been drawn to on-screen nudity, but he feels that it should serve a purpose within the narrative. He no longer wishes to participate in scenes that are gratuitous and do not contribute to the story’s development. Now that he is a father, he takes into consideration the impact his choices may have on his family.

Reflecting on his own experiences, Martin shared an anecdote about a job where a fellow actor insisted on unnecessary nudity. He believes that such scenes could have been shot under covers, eliminating the need for both actors to be exposed. This further solidified his stance against gratuitous nudity.

Martin Compston’s decision to only engage in essential nude scenes highlights the growing criticism of excessive and unnecessary sexual content in television. As an actor, he is taking a stand for increased authenticity and purpose in storytelling. It is yet another step towards more responsible and meaningful portrayal of intimacy on the screen.

To read more about Martin Compston’s views on this topic, visit

By f5mag

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