If you’re curious to know who the public thinks would make the best next Tory leader, then the answer might surprise you. According to a major public poll, Penny Mordaunt has emerged as the clear favorite among the British population. In fact, she is the only Conservative politician that the general public actually likes, as indicated by the survey conducted by the More In Common think tank.

Penny Mordaunt has topped a major public poll on who will make the best next Tory leader

Penny Mordaunt, who gained fame as a sword-wielding star of the Coronation, has a net favorability rating of two. This puts her in a league of her own, as every other Tory candidate registers in the negative digits. Furthermore, among 2019 Tory voters, Mordaunt is the top choice with a net favorability rating of plus 22. The second spot among Tory voters is held by Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch, but with a significant gap and a rating of minus four.

The admiration for Penny Mordaunt extends even to her political opponents, as many praised her strength and performance in the Coronation. However, this public poll comes at a time when Tory MPs seem to be distancing themselves from a plot to oust Rishi Sunak as the Prime Minister before the next election. One right-wing MP expressed that people have grown tired of the plotters and that they don’t want to remove the current PM. The sentiment is echoed by other MPs, even those who don’t particularly support Rishi Sunak, who believe that it is now too late for a change in leadership.

Tory MPs appear to cool on the plot to oust Rishi Sunak as PM

On Tuesday, prominent figures on the Tory right, including Liz Truss and Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, will launch the Popular Conservative movement. This movement aims to advocate for free market policies and assert the trust of the people over officialdom. However, the participants of the movement downplay any accusations that it serves as a base to challenge Rishi Sunak for the top job.

The results of this poll should serve as a wake-up call for Tory leadership candidates. They need to focus on building broad public support instead of campaigning from the extremes. As Luke Tryl, UK director of More In Common, highlights, it’s crucial for Tory candidates to examine how they can gain the trust and support of the public. It’s about connecting with the people and representing their interests effectively.

To read more about Penny Mordaunt and her potential as the next Tory leader, you can visit F5mag.com.

By f5mag

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