Sean helps a reader whose parrot is grieving following the death of their owner

HE is on a mission to help our pets…and is here to answer YOUR questions.

Sean, the head vet at tailored pet food firm, has been offering expert advice to pet owners for ten years.

He says, “If your pet is acting funny or is under the weather, or you want to know about nutrition or exercise, just ask. I can help keep pets happy and healthy.”

Grieving Parrot

Q: I HAVE inherited my late mother Jean’s African grey parrot after she passed away. Pirate definitely seems down in the dumps and there has been some feather plucking. I talk to her a lot, but I think she is grieving. Is this the case and what can I do for her? – Sarah Smith, Plymouth

Sean says: Absolutely. A long-term, owner-bonded parrot will grieve when their human companion passes away. I’m sorry for your loss. The fact is that parrots, African greys in particular, are highly social species and not designed to live alone or in small social circles. In the wild, they live in flocks of hundreds. When they are forced to live in captivity, they can develop serious psychological and emotional problems, especially when the trauma of grief is added to the mix. My honest advice is, if you don’t have the time and capacity to provide a great home for an inherited parrot, then rehoming to an experienced parrot owner or sanctuary where Pirate can have the company of other parrots will be best for her in the long term. Your mother would want the best for her, and it’s not a failure to say that you can’t provide that.

Teaching Your Cat Manners

Q: MY cat has taken charge of one of the armchairs in our sitting room and gets really annoyed if visitors sit on it. Marmalade, who is eight, will stalk up to them and jump on the arm and pretty much intimidate them to move. How can I teach him good manners and to share? – Mike Fenton, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria

Sean says: I’m tempted to say that the armchair is now Marmalade’s, but there is one last-ditch plan you can try to regain control in these armchair wars. Cats are very sensitive to the texture and feel of the surfaces they recline on. So one solution is to try to alter how the chair feels to him. When the chair is not in use, you could lay a sheet of plastic or tin foil over it and remove it when a human visitor needs to sit down. Cats cannot abide tin foil, and plastic isn’t their favorite either. Then provide Marmalade with a more comfy spot to claim as his own, perhaps one of those over-the-radiator hanging cat beds? That way, everyone will be happy and peace can be restored.

Balloon-Obsessed Labrador

Q: KEITH, my two-year-old Labrador, is obsessed with balloons, and he wrecks birthday parties as he goes crazy trying to pop them. How can we deter him and stop him being a party pooper? – Frank Davies, Nottingham

Sean says: You want the honest answer? Ditch the balloons or just embrace Keith’s joy! I don’t think you’re going to conquer a two-year-old Labrador’s obsessive joy in such an exciting game of balloon popping through training, no matter how hard you try. Sorry!

Pup Eating Stones

Q: HOW can I stop my nine-month-old pup Oreo from trying to eat small stones? I’ve tried saying no and telling him off. But he’s persistent. I’m really concerned about it and want to nip this behavior in the bud. – Peter Bryan, Grimsby

Sean says: Puppies explore everything in the world by putting things in their mouth. Usually, it’s nothing to worry about, and it would be odd for Oreo to want to swallow stones all the time. The easiest ways to prevent this behavior from becoming ingrained are to prevent access to stones or to redirect his attention to something far more exciting when it happens.

Star of The Week

Mord the Norwegian Forest cat is this week's star of the week

MORD the Norwegian Forest cat thinks he’s a werewolf as he howls at the moon. Owner Sean Bow, 59, of North Prospect, Devon, revealed his 12-year-old moggy has seen him through his sons flying the nest. Sean, who is married to librarian Julie, 40, said: “Mord is what you might call a very special cat as he thinks he’s a werewolf – and he looks a bit like one too with his two teeth that stick out. When there’s a full moon, he makes a funny noise that’s a cross between a yowl and a howl. It’s fair to say he’s a bit eccentric, but we wouldn’t have him any other way.”

Get Your Crufts Tickets

Win Crufts Tickets!
CRUFTS will bring thousands of wagging tails to Birmingham’s NEC from March 7-10. We have teamed up with The Kennel Club to offer five lucky readers a chance to win a pair of tickets worth £280. For a chance to win, send an email headed CRUFTS with your name, address, and phone number to by February 11. Tickets and details for the event are available on the Crufts website.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Your Dog

Valentine’s Day is not just for humans. THOUSANDS of people would rather spend Valentine’s Day with their dog than a partner, according to new research. While 45% would like to have both with them, one in ten would ditch their human to spend the romantic day with their pooch.
One in ten people would ditch their human to spend Valentine's Day with their dog

The survey, conducted by dog treats brand Denzel, also found that 6 out of 10 pet parents will be providing a special food treat, and 38% are considering splashing out on a present for their furry friend – even though 1 in 4 won’t bother with a gift for their partner. On February 14, a fifth of pooches will be licking their chops for a slap-up dinner of steak and chips, while 12% of owners plan to give special dog-safe Carob chocolates.

So this Valentine’s Day, show your pup some love!

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By f5mag

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