Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley surprised audiences by making an unexpected appearance on “Saturday Night Live.” Haley, who attended as a South Carolina voter, posed a series of questions to Trump, including why he refuses to debate her.
Context: U.S. launches strikes in response to deadly drone attack
In a related news report, the U.S. has launched strikes in response to a deadly drone attack. For more details, you can watch the special report video below:
Duration: 14:34
Biden Attends Dignified Transfer for Soldiers Killed in Jordan
Another significant video to watch is the full coverage of President Biden attending the dignified transfer for soldiers killed in Jordan:
Duration: 15:55
Nikki Haley’s surprise appearance on “Saturday Night Live” has captured the attention of viewers. As the race for the presidency continues, the event adds a thrilling twist to the political landscape. Stay tuned for more updates and developments.