Film enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the next masterpiece from Toshihiko Tanaka, the talented director who took home the top prize at the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Following the success of his debut film, “Rei,” Tanaka is now working on his next project, titled “Shumari.” Set once again in Japan’s Hokkaido region, the film promises to captivate audiences with its stunning visuals and suspenseful storyline.
Embracing the Natural Beauty of Hokkaido
In Hokkaido, Japan, lies the largest artificial lake in the country. Despite its man-made origins, this breathtaking lake seamlessly blends into the surrounding nature, creating a truly mesmerizing landscape. Tanaka intends to leverage this unique setting to enhance the suspense and beauty of “Shumari.”
A Director with a Vision
Toshihiko Tanaka’s passion for storytelling and his meticulous attention to detail have earned him critical acclaim in the film industry. With “Rei,” he proved his ability to immerse audiences in a gripping narrative. Now, with “Shumari,” Tanaka aims to push his creative boundaries even further.
Aim for the Palme d’Or
Tanaka is not one to shy away from setting ambitious goals. His sights are set on the prestigious Palme d’Or, the highest prize awarded at the Cannes Film Festival. As he pours his heart and soul into “Shumari,” Tanaka dreams of achieving this esteemed accolade, a testament to his talent and dedication.
F5 Magazine eagerly anticipates the release of Toshihiko Tanaka’s “Shumari.” To stay updated on all the latest news and developments in the world of cinema, visit for more exciting content.
Source: Variety