by F5 Magazine

MV Astoria departing Portsmouth England UK
Credit: Getty

The world’s oldest cruise ship, MV Astoria, has a captivating history that spanned over 75 years. This magnificent vessel survived a pirate siege and collisions but eventually met its final fate.

A Journey Through Time

From its early days, the MV Astoria saw different owners and served various purposes. It was launched in 1946 for the Swedish America Line, designed to carry passengers and cargo. In 1948, it embarked on its inaugural transatlantic journey to New York, marking the beginning of its adventure-filled life.

A Series of Dramatic Events

The cruise ship faced a significant setback when it collided with the Italian liner Andrea Dorea in 1956. While the MV Astoria survived, the other ship sank, earning the nickname “La nave della morte” or the ship of death.

The cruise ship Astoria ship has been laid up in Tilbury Docks since spring 2020 following the pandemic that caused Astoria’s operators CMV to be sent into bankruptcy
Credit: Rex

But the MV Astoria persevered. It witnessed historic events like the establishment of the Berlin Wall and even came under scrutiny during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Throughout its lifetime, the ship continued changing hands and purposes, serving as a shelter for asylum seekers in Oslo in 1985.

Surviving Against All Odds

In 2008, the MV Astoria faced another extraordinary challenge—a pirate siege in the Gulf of Aden. Surrounded by 29 boats, the crew defended the ship using high-pressure water cannons and successfully continued its journey unharmed.

A Bittersweet Ending

Unfortunately, in 2020, the owner company went bankrupt due to the pandemic’s impact on the cruise industry, leaving the MV Astoria stranded. Despite rumors of a cryptocurrency billionaire acquiring the ship, it remains laid up in the Netherlands, awaiting its uncertain future.

Astoria leaving Tilbury Docks and passing her former fleet mates Magellan and Columbus
Credit: Rex

The MV Astoria’s story is a testament to resilience and endurance. Although its final chapter remains unwritten, the memories it created, the lives it touched, and the history it witnessed will forever be etched in maritime lore.

To learn more about the world’s oldest cruise ship, visit F5 Magazine.

By f5mag

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