
The Marvel series “Wonder Man” was marred by a heartbreaking incident last week. J.C. “Spike” Osorio, a dedicated rigger working on the set, tragically lost his life when the wooden catwalk beneath his feet gave way. According to reliable sources familiar with the accident, Osorio fell approximately 50 feet to the ground. Despite the best efforts of paramedics, resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful, and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

A Catastrophic Collapse

Eyewitnesses revealed that one of the wooden supports holding up a section of the catwalk failed, causing the planks on top to crumble, leading to Osorio’s fall. An official from IATSE, who arrived shortly after the accident, confirmed this account and emphasized that Osorio was not at fault. Another IATSE official echoed this sentiment, referring to the incident as a tragic but straightforward case.

Investigations Underway

Cal/OSHA is currently conducting an investigation into the accident, a process that is expected to take several months. As such, the agency has refrained from providing any comments during the ongoing investigation. Meanwhile, Radford Studio Center, where the incident occurred, expressed deep condolences for Osorio’s untimely death and pledged full cooperation with the investigations.

Safety Concerns and Aging Infrastructure

While the investigation continues, questions have arisen regarding the safety measures in place and the overall condition of some studio facilities. Ivan Migel, a veteran rigging grip, stated that several studio facilities, including Radford, suffer from neglect and disrepair due to a lack of investment over the years. Film crews, while responsible for their productions, do not have the authority to address structural issues, which falls under the purview of the landlords.

A Passionate Lighting Technician Remembered

Osorio, 41, is survived by his wife, Joanne Osorio-Wu, and his mother, Zoila Osorio. Described by his family as a meticulous lighting technician with a strong commitment to workplace safety, Osorio was a respected member of IATSE Local 728. Alan Rowe, the director of safety and training for Local 728, expressed the union’s profound grief and called for patience while awaiting the Cal/OSHA investigation’s findings. In honor of Osorio, the union has organized a candlelight vigil at the headquarters of IATSE Local 80 in Burbank.

Remembering J.C. Osorio

Despite the immense pain and sadness left in the wake of this tragic accident, loved ones and supporters have rallied together to show their support. A GoFundMe campaign has already raised over $170,000 to provide assistance to Osorio’s family during this difficult time.

By f5mag

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